The plain truth is that both the GSA and Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), the organization that registers GSAs, are part of a vast, interconnected network of Cultural Marxist front groups known collectively as the New Left. For over forty years, the New Left--a collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist--has been waging a Gramscian style “quiet revolution” for the overthrow of Christianity and America’s Constitution, Rule of Law, sovereignty, and way of life.
"Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists" working together? Do you have any idea how stupid that statement is?
Haven't you gotten the memo? Communists aren't the bogymen anymore, it's terrorists. We left the cold war behind, now China and Russia are our valuable trading partners. The GSA and GLSEN stopped being commies and are now part of a vast terrorist conspiracy to overthrow Christianity and so on.
What ? I suppose the counter-revolution is formed of the Green Movement, the IRA, Jim who works are the impound lot, some Swedish guys who worship Odin, and Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group?
Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist
It must be a love-hate thing...
Hadanelith -- Exactly.
I'd bet dollars to dead gnats that Linda can't define or state the differences between "Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchists," nor show any examples of such groups trying to "overthrow of Christianity and America’s Constitution, Rule of Law, sovereignty, and way of life."
Further, I'm sure her knowledge of the U.S. constitution is much less than she wants us to believe.
Linda, don't you know that the various factions of the hardline left hate each other more than they hate those they perport to oppose, so I doubt they could work together.
Please refer to "The Life of Brian" for further information...
Just say it, you know you want to,
At least if they knew what the prefix neo meant, that'd be what they'd be leading up to.
Yep, that's all we talk about in our GSA meetings- Stalin, Marx, anarchy... Nothing about how gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals are being denied rights because people like you think it's wrong... or Communist/anarchist.
Really? My classmates and I are Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, or anarchists? I had no idea.
All the Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist should take a lesson from the fundies: They're doing a big loud overthrow of America's Constitution, Rule of Law, and everything we value in life.
Imagine there are a fair number of moderate-to-liberal Christians out there who'll say the fundies have overthrown Christianity. If so, please make noise. I don't hear from them that often anymore.
The plain truth...
*turns off bullshit meter* *removes batteries from bullshit meter* *mails bullshit meter to Mars* *explosion-proofs room just to be safe* that both the GSA and Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), the organization that registers GSAs...
...and a partridge in a pear tree.
...are part of a vast, interconnected network of Cultural Marxist front groups known collectively as the New Left.
Curses! (Tin)foiled again!
For over forty years, the New Left--a collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist...
Don't forget the solipsists!
...has been waging a Gramscian style “quiet revolution...”
So quiet, apparently, that no one has ever heard of it but you.
...for the overthrow of Christianity and America’s Constitution, Rule of Law, sovereignty, and way of life.
Sh! Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting Cwistians!
The fact is, Christianity has caused more trouble than it's worth, and probably should go. In fact, it's the Christian fundies who are trying to overthrow America's constitution and laws and replace them with a theocracy. It's obviously bullshit to suggest that there's a conspiracy to overthrow America's sovereignty, but we are in serious debt to many other countries which may present a threat to our sovereignty at some point. Of course, that's being done in the open, with no secret conspiracy involved.
@HadanelithMarxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists" working together? Do you have any idea how stupid that statement is?
@DavidHadanelith: And "anarchists" working with ANYBODY?
Well, she forgot to include the aliens. If there were alien invaders trying to take over the Earth, it's reasonable to suppose that at least some Stalinists, Trotskyists, and anarchists would be willing to put aside their differences for a little while and fight off the common threat.
Kimball's still a screwball, though.
*breathes* So you think the GSAs are Marxists !
And they're aligned with anarachists!?!?
You puny CCHHRRiistiansssss may have dissscovered our sinisssster plot, but you are too late to ssstop usss. Sssoon our Demoncratic government pawns will legalize gay marriage and pass immigration reform, which will kill your *beautiful* god of love!! The time of ultimate darkness is at hand!! Kali-Mah!
Nice to see that the trotskyites finally got over that little quarrel they had with the stalinists, you know, the one about Stalin probably being responsible for Trotskys, and his party supporters, death. So that they now can work hand in hand with the anarchists, whom, strange as it might sound, now seems to have forgiven the marxist for what they did to them during the spanish civil war.
"Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist" together???!!!!
You're like a retarded 2 days old monkey!
And probably american, because only americans could have so little idea of what they're talking about xD
If anyone who would read this message could somehow; someway contact Doc Farmer of ChronWatch please to so. My brother and I have contributed to the website for the last several years.
The moniker RED BARR is used. Please contact Doc and ask him if somehow I did wrong or something to that nature. It looks like somehow we have been ousted as of July 18th, 2008
Doc Farmer address is:
Please let him be aware that I will drop off the writing routine at his request. PLEASE; THIS IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE WITH ANY NEGATIVE; HARD FEELINGS!
I made some mistakes; probably being overly emotional when discribing San Francisco. ChronWatch may derive from San Francisco; I believe. I need to apologize on some aspects.
If Doc wishes to contact me; please have him email at or
PLEASE CONTACT DOC FARMER and convey my deep apologies for what I may have done. CONTACT HIM AND THANK YOU.
RED BARR/David L. Fiorella
For over forty years, the New Left--a collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchist--
You couldn't get any of those groups to work together for 5 minutes, much less 40 years. If Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchists could work together, we would've beaten you cretins ages ago.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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