Valley of the Rogue & edrica webb #transphobia #pratt

RE:Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(Valley of the Rogue)
Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had. Instead, this is all about men's unrestricted sxl rights to get it no matter with whom, or where, or why, or whether there is any consent to be had. There is no way such dviant behavior should be accepted or allowed.

(edrica webb)
"Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had."
This is basic, and may very well become the line of reasoning for legal protection of not only womens' rights, but childrens', as well. As "trans" is short for transitioning-- and transitioning is understood to be, transitioning from one sex to the other-- "transitioning" isn't possible. So how would legal rights be applied to something that isn't possible?



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