Epoch Times Editorial Team #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy theepochtimes.com

Traditional laws come from morality and are intended to uphold morality. Communism tries to separate morality from the law, then destroys morality by concocting bad laws and maliciously interpreting traditional ones.

God calls on man to be kind; communism agitates class struggle and advocates violence and killing.

God established the family as the basic social unit; communism believes that the family is a manifestation of the private, capitalist system and threatens to eliminate it.

God gives man the freedom to obtain wealth and the right to life; communism seeks to eliminate private property, expropriate assets, raise taxes, monopolize credit and capital, and completely control economic life.

God established the form that morality, government, law, society, and culture should take; communism seeks the violent overthrow of the whole existing social structure.

God transmitted to man the unique form of traditional art as a means of passing on his image. Traditional art recalls to mankind the beauty of heaven, reinforces faith in God, elevates morality, and nurtures virtue. Communism, on the other hand, would have man worship warped modern creations, artistic productions that stifle our divine nature, give full rein to the demonic impulse toward chaos and disorder, and manipulate the art world by spreading base, ugly, malformed, evil, and decadent ideas.

God wants man to be humble and full of reverence and wonder at divine creation. Communism connives at the demonic and arrogance in man, encouraging him to revolt against God. By amplifying the evil inherent and inescapable in human nature, it exploits the idea of “freedom” to encourage conduct unrestrained by morality and unfettered by a sense of duty or burden. The slogan of “equality” is used to stir up envy and vanity, as man is tempted by fame and material interests.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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