The head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, who once bragged that he'd written the antigay portions of last year's Republican Party platform, is now telling his followers to boycott.
Perkins wants payback for suggestions by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and others who say the GOP should spend less time talking about "traditional" marriage.
"Until the RNC and the other national Republican organizations grow a backbone and start defending core principles, don't give them a dime of your hard-earned money," Perkins wrote to followers in a newsletter on Thursday. He suggested that instead they send checks directly to FRC because, "At least then you can relax, knowing that your money will be spent advancing faith, family, and freedom!"
Perkins is unmoved by analysis suggesting the party is alienating young voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support marriage equality.
"Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters," he wrote.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
You go Tony! Stand by your principles! And be ready to die by them, if need be! After all, you're a man of principles, and that is the most honorable thing a man can be.
But don't worry - you won't actually need to die for them. You'll just lose lots of elections. Lots... and lots... and lots of elections. (Is my schadenfreude showing? Pass the popcorn!)
Sure, if reining people in, prohibiting people from getting married, is the most important issue in your book, then go ahead; alienate everyone and anyone who might have supported (and voted for) the GOP otherwise! What does it matter that you'll lose every election from now on, as long as you get to spout your hatred of family and freedom in public?
Don't you dare call it freedom, though, stopping people from getting married. That is false advertising, nigh on fraud.
We do know why marriage matters, stupid; it makes people happy, it creates a stable environment, it carries with it equal inheritance laws and divorce laws, it provides a reason to celebrate and party. Whatever genders are involved has no impact on any of those things, WHATSOEVER!!!
Great, less election spending by Republican is always a good thing.
I want them to utterly fall apart in 2016. And I don't mean not get the votes but put up a Tea Party candidate so 50 states go blue.
I encourage the GOP to continue defending core conservative values. I hope they ignore that little suggestion to be more inclusive & nominate a frothing insane teabagger as their candidate. The comedy would be great!
If the republicans return to reality, I would vote for one if I agreed with their policies.
Someone should check Mr. Perkins' basement for dresses & wigs; he's clearly gone off the deep end.
"Perkins is unmoved by analysis suggesting the party is alienating young voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support marriage equality.
"Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters," he wrote. "
Yes. Do that. Do it a lot. As loudly as possible.
BWAHAHA! This is brilliant!
Next, I want the proper, atheistic Randroids/Austrian schoolers to have a falling out with generic, mainstream conservatives.
I love how conservatives are further dividing themselves. It must really suck these days to be a moderate Republican. They know that in order to win elections they have to appeal to gays, minorities, women, young voters, and atheists. Yet, at least half their party is made up of people who loudly decry the idea of giving in to those groups one tiny bit.
I wouldn't be surprised if there comes a major split in the Republican party and part of it branches off to start a third, ultraconservative (read fascist) third party.
Face it, Tony-boy: you and your bigoted views are dying a slow, painful death in the world of American public opinion. And given your stubbornness I doubt you're going to change them, so have fun in that dark, lonely place called "irrelevance." I, of course, welcome your exile into that area, and the sooner the better.
Please, by all means Tony, keep alienating the young voters. Your side will die out without them.
Feel my schadenfreude Tony. >:D
"At least then you can relax, knowing that your money will be spent advancing faith, family, and freedom!"
Family Research Council: Advancing freedom, by denying it to others.
Tony, you do realize that they are going to go with the folks who actually are giving them money, right? There are too many people who are not giving them money to even consider pleasing all of them.
Here in America we have a word for that: politics
"Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters," he wrote.
Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try appeasing milliennialists.
The GOP needn't worry. They'll be back for Santorum 2016.
Please please PLEASE break off into your own political party. You will win for sure, just like the Bull Moose Party, or the Libertarian Party, or the American Communist Party.
If the Republicans get back to nominating people like Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, James G. Blaine, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, I might consider voting for them.
This is my favorite part:
"Until the RNC and the other national Republican organizations grow a backbone and start defending core principles, don't give them a dime of your hard-earned money," Perkins wrote to followers in a newsletter on Thursday. He suggested that instead they send checks directly to FRC"
Yeah. TOTALLY not a desperate attempt to get more money for his own political group. I wonder what the IRS has to say about this guy...
I remember watching the coverage of the campaign headquarters on election night. Obama's crowd was a literal cross-section of America - white, african american, asian american, latino, young, old, you name it they were there. Romney's room... white people.
On the one hand:
*pops Champagne* To the death of the Republican Party.
On the other:
Eww, One-party-state.
Anyone feel like founding a left wing party?
Yeah, send your money to the FRC. Why waste it on a dying political party when you can waste it on a group of homophobic bigots labeled a hate group by the SPLC? If you're going to be an asshole, go all the way.
Here's an intresting Republican poll statistic: 20% believe that Obama IS the anti-Christ.
Always wondered how much of their base is fundy, at least that much. This explains why Bachman, Palin, Santorum and Perry, religious nutters all, manage to get voted in.
And it explains this attitude towards their party now. If the Republicans want to run sensible mainline or slightly progressive canidates these nutters will object, they want the full on nutters for theocracy and thats it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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