234566892, noserotonyn & MalkavianScum #sexist #wingnut reddit.com


I am to the point now where I even notice and get annoyed with the women in my own family and their entitled, overbearing behavior and mistreatment of the men in my family. My sisters and mom are all extremely needy and pushy, always getting their way and they have their husbands whipped, I’m embarrassed for them.

Women are the enemy it's as simple as that


Yeah, people that are entitled are the worst. What does this have to do with mens rights though? Do you feel your family members are representative of all women?

in today's society women are encouraged to treat husbands as servants, denying them often the most basic respect, we just need to look at any picture where a husband is represented to notice how he is often displayed as "silly, dumb, useless, submissive.." and apparently this has been causing damage to the common lives of men and boys


It's interesting and par for the course that men who are victims of abusive behavior by their spouse are called "whipped." It's victim blaming and belittling.

Those men CHOSE to marry those women. "Victim blaming" and taking away all agency from them are just as bad and you are doing the latter. Let's just get rid of all the jargon and buzzwords and speak plainly for once. Those men married shit women. Let's stop with these stupid buzzwords already, they are whipped. That term implies no blame on anybody, it is simply a statement of fact that they let their wives walk all over them. There are many possible reasons they are the way that they are and it might not entirely be their fault. But the proper colloquial term is "whipped". That doesn't take away any blame from the women in any way shape or form.



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