Amanda Nelson #magick #crackpot

There are many types of entity that feed off energy. Energy vampires feed off your fear energy and will suck every drop of that life force from you.

Are energy vampires the same as the vampires you see in films?

Energy vampires are popularised as blood-sucking immortals that wear dark satin cloaks and stalk vulnerable folk at night. These superhuman monsters overwhelm their victims and feast on their blood. It’s frightening stuff! Thankfully this kind of Vampire is only found on the sets of Hollywood movies! But, what you may not know is that there are real vampires, energy vampires, and there are some striking similarities in the style of how these vampires attack and their imaginary cousins. How do I know? I encountered a gang of energy vampires when staying in a hotel in Brighton. I’m well seasoned when it comes to Ghosts but the encounter with these particular entities was something I’ll never forget.

Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy.

Energy vampires are spirits that draw energy from whoever comes into their territory. They can overwhelm anyone that is not properly protected with an energy shield. Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy. Energy vampires are spirits that draw energy from whoever comes into their territory. They can overwhelm anyone that is not properly protected with an energy shield. Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy.

I was staying in Brighton at a hotel on the seafront. After unpacking my things I had been out for supper and decided to get to bed early so I was fresh for the training course I was attending the next day.

The room felt very hot and the windows were locked tight shut so I had little choice but to turn down a lot of the thicker blankets on the bed. Only covering myself with the top bed sheet instead. I read for a while and then turned out the light and started to go to sleep. Just as I was falling asleep I realised that there had been a distinct change in the atmosphere in the room.

As a psychic, my senses switch into overdrive when danger is around. I knew something was about to happen but didn’t know what. At the time I simply had no idea of what I was about to take on.

The heat in the room evaporated and the room was cold and chilled. I was in the hotel room, lying on my stomach in bed with the sheet wrapped around me, listening, getting ready to react. I could sense that something was drawing closer, leaning over me, observing me intently in the darkness.

First I felt the corner of the mattress bowing down as if someone or something had sat on it. I could feel the pressure starting to press on the backs of my calves, move up past my thighs and start to press down on the lower part of my back. The pressure moved to the top of my shoulders and the sheets were starting to feel wet cold, the chill penetrating right through the fabric. I felt afraid and vulnerable. I pulled the sheets over my head even further trying to hide in vain from what was overcoming me.

As the pressure was bearing down more heavily along the length of my body it was getting harder to breathe, so my breathing was becoming more shallow too. The sound of my heart beating in my ears was deafening. This entity was going to attack me in some way and I was unable to move, I realised I was completely paralysed. There was nothing I could do to save myself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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