In my opinion, wearing a bikini is sinful because the purpose of it is to show off as much flesh as possible while still covering the absolute essentials of genitals and nipples. There is nothing God-honoring about bikinis and much that is gratifying to the flesh: for men to leer and for women to show off their bodies. Scripture calls us to live and dress modestly, not to gratify the flesh. It calls us to do everything to the glory of God: wearing bathing suits that are designed to cause men to lust and women to publicly display their bodies is the opposite of glorifying God.
If the men on your sailboat didn't gaze at the women wearing bikinis, I would suggest that they may have been desensitized. Or perhaps they were just wearing sunglasses and you didn't notice their eyes!
"...wearing a bikini is sinful because the purpose of it is to show off as much flesh as possible while still covering the absolute essentials of genitals and nipples."
Orrrrrrrr... for those of us who just happen to not have the exact body that the swimsuit designer had conceptualized in their head, it's a way for us to get into a damn swimsuit.
Women with long torsos need bikinis. I don't wear one to "show off", I wear one to swim. Assmunch.
"Scripture calls us to live and dress modestly, not to gratify the flesh."
In some places any thing less than head to toe and wrist to ankle is immodest, and in some modest just means covering your genitals and nipples.
Be thankful where you live is closer to the latter than the former, Sue, and stop bitching about how other people live their lives.
Good, Sue, you go to the beach in a Burqini if you like. Or even better, skip the beach and the pool, because I don't need a side of sanctimony with my swimming and surfing. I'm grateful that I have the choice, even if I don't have a bikini body.
Scripture calls us to live and dress modestly, not to gratify the flesh.
There's something else the Scripture calls upon you women to do:
Leviticus 15:19 And if a woman have an issue, [and] her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.
15:20 And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean.
Now shut your dirty bitch-mouth and get away from me, unclean harlot!
If people were meant to go around naked, we would have been born that way.
P.S. Gotta add, I find a quote from a sexually repressed idjit on something with such a salacious name as "Probe Ministries" absolutely hilarious.
Sue, honey, have I got just the man for you!
Goes off to find David J. Stewart's phone number...
Scripture is for ugly people only.
In fact, if you're a female, it seems that the uglier you are, and the sourer you are, and the more you enjoy pretending to be chummy with Jesus and God and the greater your propensity for puritanism and prudery, the less likely you are to wear a bikini. And vice versa.
Thank heaven for that I say. Doubt we could take the sight of Sue parading about in a bikini.
On the other hand, to all hot, sexy, funny and intelligent women I say this. Always wear a bikini or less at all times.
There is nothing God-honoring about bikinis and much that is gratifying to the flesh:
It glorifies the beautiful body that your god has made. Why hide his beautiful creation from the view of everyone? let every person see HIS great creation au naturel!
Why do you hate God's work?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bodies are evil, women are sluts, blame them for everything. Just crawl back under your rock, already will ya?
One thing though, Sue Bohlin. I would be grateful if American obese women in the 300+ pound class would wear something else besides a g-string bikini. When it disappears into your fat, you look naked.
The one on the right is not pretty:
Just because no one wants to fuck you doesn't mean you need to condemn what other women wear.
@ Dr Whom, "devil's dumplings" LMAO!
In my opinion, wearing a bikini is sinful because the purpose of it is to show off as much flesh as possible while still covering the absolute essentials of genitals and nipples.
There is nothing God-honoring about bikinis and much that is gratifying to the flesh: for men to leer and for women to show off their bodies.
Then explain to me why god didn't create Adam and Eve fully clothed.
Scripture calls us to live and dress modestly, not to gratify the flesh.
And the only two innocent people on earth were quite happy to go around stark naked.
It calls us to do everything to the glory of God: wearing bathing suits that are designed to cause men to lust and women to publicly display their bodies is the opposite of glorifying God.
Why is it bad to enjoy and admire your own god's creation? why would he create a beautiful body and then demand it be hidden?
If the men on your sailboat didn't gaze at the women wearing bikinis, I would suggest that they may have been desensitized. Or perhaps they were just wearing sunglasses and you didn't notice their eyes!
Its also rare but sometimes guys just have better things to do.
I had the best bikini in my twenties, I loved that bathing suit, wore it all the time. Three kids later, no bikini here but I did enjoy my time in the sun. I think Sue is a little jealous.
Koorogi: If I'm not mistaken Lust is the 1st deadly sin.
Would you then please explain why your god did not create us already wearing Saville Row suits and Dior frocks?
Naked birth is positively disgusting. God can hardly complain about bare flesh in the circumstances.
Modesty is dictated by those in power. A burqa is deemed the only modest dress in countries where woman are less than nothing.
Many Pacific countries, before invaded by prudish Europeans, work bikinis and monokinis, and it was considered modest.
So, keep you self-image hang ups to yourself.
Oh, go live in a Muslim country.
Then come back (if you can) and tell me again that you hate being able to wear a bikini - as opposed to a burqini.
Aren't we created in the image of your God? So covering up is covering his work, no? Wouldn't that be sacrilegious?
btw, cunt: i don't care about whether you agree or not
We-ell, I tend not to wear bikinis, but that's because
-the top always comes undone or rides up
-I have a pudgy tummy :)
-I sunburn way too easily to expose my back and stomach
-I look way more titillating in a low-cut one-piece (pun intended) ;)
However, I love looking at bikini-clad women with good bodies. Ohhh yeah.
Uh... I think I just got distracted. Sorry.
Anyway. I don't see what the big deal is. It's hot, you're at the beach, you're going to be in the water anyway - you want we should wear a full skirt and long-sleeved blouse in the water?
Okay, so you claim god created everything, and that includes our bodies, which are claimed to be perfect, but we should hide that particular creation of god because it might make people want sex? The only people that go that nuts over girls in bikinis are the ones tht think it's wrong to see them like that. Remember, at one time for a woman to show her ankles or wrists was shameful.
Now, as for the men on the sailboat who didn't bother to look, is it really so much of a stretch to say they just didn't care? The fundies fail to see that covering something up, and making a big deal about it just makes it more appealing, even though they're absolute proof that the theory works.
absolute essentials of genitals and nipples
They may be essential, but they're not the only things that are.
If the men on your sailboat didn't gaze at the women wearing bikinis, I would suggest that they may have been desensitized.
Like the muslims that learn to control themselves when they go to countries where you can see more than the shadow that a woman casts?
In other words, Sue Bohlin is a fat chick who uses scripture to justify the hatred she has for women who can actually wear a bikini.
Edit @ Lucretius: Ahahahahahaha, I knew it!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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