Glenn Beck #conspiracy
The entire Mediterranean is on fire. More than that, it's not just the surrounding countries of the Mediterranean. It also spreads up here. You have U.K. and Ireland already with riot in the street. You have Russia with a bombing.
Well, now, let's see -- let's play this through. What do you think happens? These two collide. They quite honestly, they could make us collapse financially.
Just these two colliding. Let alone, if this is on fire as well, our forces there? What do we do?
This is colliding. We're pouring all of our money into here and here and trying to keep things stable. China pushes this direction. Here's China pushes this direction, just says knock it off, guys. These guys are pushing this direction. This is all pushing up into the middle, into the Mediterranean, into Spain.
This becomes a caliphate. This becomes China dominant. This becomes Muslim caliphate.
If they think Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, possibly Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, are now some sort of a Muslim caliphate. If anyone begins to think that is a chance, what happens to the overwhelming radical population of the U.K., of radical Islamists? What happens? Do they just sit around on their hand or do they see an opportunity?
When you take the Marxist and you combine them with the radical from Islam, when you combine those forces, which is exactly -- we'll show you this week -- what is happening here, the whole world starts to implode. Does Russia push across this way? And what do we do?
This is not just happenstance. This is not just poor people mad at rich people. This is coordinated. Tunisia was the beginning.
I think there is a chance that Tunisia is our Archduke Ferdinand moment that I've been telling you about, warning that it would start in some place that wouldn't look like anything, and most of us wouldn't understand it.
He was the guy assassinated in Sarajevo, June 1914. A month later, Austria and Hungary declared war against Serbia and the rest is called World War I. I believe a snowball is being formed, and it is starting to roll.