For the poster in Australia who claims Flat Earth, et al is Biblical, please cite the Chapter and Verse of the King James Bible where this is said. Otherwise, quit attacking a Holy Book you obviously have never read. I'm happy to see the Museum, but I don't believe in dinosaurs, never have. It's pseudo-science. So is evolution and global warming. For the poster who said it's inconveivable for God to create the universe in 6 days, can you limit God? Long ago, man didn't believe flight was possible, and yet we fly today. So, just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it. It's all about Faith, and God can do anything.
"I don't believe in dinosaurs, never have. It's pseudo-science."
Bullshit, we have the fossils, we win, QED.
If dinosaurs, evolution, and global warming are "pseudo-science" in this guy's opinion, I have to wonder what he categorizes as actual science.
Long ago, man didn't believe flight was possible, because they thought to fly you had to have wings. Birds and bats had wings, and they had to use them to fly; all of the other animals - humans included - failed miserably if they tried. (Icarus myth, for example)
Today, human beings still can't fly, with or without wings. At the most we can glide. Because, you see, birds and bats fly by flapping their wings to keep aloft; yes, they manage to ride thermals and all, but when they hold their wings still, they are gliding, not flying.
We need machines and all to actually get up in the air and fly, and even then we aren't actually doing that. So no, we as people cannot fly; we can step into a machine that can get itself into the air, keep itself in the air, and glide to the next location without crashing (most of the time).
@MD Anderson
So, just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it. Pot/kettle, perhaps... or shiny mirror... always got them confused :P
Limit god? No. Since one doesn't exist, that would be tough.
Aside from the parts where the bible refers to the earth as flat, a more damning indication is nowhere does it state the earth is a sphere, or that the earth rotates the sun.
I know you guys like to take what's there and twist it to fit reality, but the absense of well-known facts is really what damages your bible story the most.
Dinosaurs didn't believe in you either, yet you both exist in one form or another.
Man didn't believe flight was possible, but man is the one who figured it out. Nice try. Equate mans inventions to a faith in a god you have no real reason to think exists.
What's the MD in your name for? Are you drunk on 'Mad Dog 20/20' or are you 'Mentally Deficient'?
Science is not Bible reading. It's observation of nature, hypothesis, test and correction of errors. A little test, where in the Bible do they mention computers, or antibiotics or whatever?. You don't have to believe in dinosaurs, there is EVIDENCE. Bones, you know, and fossiles.
"but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."
So yes, its perfectly reasonable even for you guys to claim your gawd is limited.
"For the poster who said it's inconveivable for God to create the universe in 6 days, can you limit God?"
Apparently, your god limited itself. Otherwise, why did it take six days to accomplish something that any all-powerful being should have been able to do in the blink of an eye?
I don't get the whole "I don't believe in dinosaurs" thing. One of my 8th graders basically took the same position last year. What's not to "believe" in? They existed; there is overwhelming evidence that they existed.
The three arguments to support this position I have heard are all massively flawed.
The claim that the fossilized remains of dinosaurs are either hoaxes or misinterpreted remains of modern animals such as whales and elephants has so much evidence against it that the very idea is ludicrous.
The theory that God put them there to "test" our faith in the Bible makes God kind of a dick. Certainly not a compassionate God, seeing as how he demands belief, then arranges the world in such a way as to make said belief damn near impossible.
And the last one, that dinosaur evidence was created by Satan to mislead and trick people makes Satan as powerful as God, since aparantly he can create things just like God and God can't do anything to prevent him. Isn't one of the cornerstone beliefs of Christianity the claim that only God is the Creator? That God is omnipotent? How can you have two omnipotent beings...? By definition they would end up being the SAME being. So this line of thought eventually is asserting that God IS the Devil.
Seriously, when you become a fundie, do they revoke your ability to think?
"So, just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it."
Now apply this concept to evolution.
"all of the other animals - humans included - failed miserably if they tried. (Icarus myth, for example)"
Icarus actually succeeded remarkably well. So well, in fact, that he flew close enough to the sun for it to melt the wax that held his feathers in place. A bad ending, yes, but VERY successful flight.
Congratulations MD Anderson, your post contains no spelling mistakes and only one typo, 'inconveivable'. That places you several points above the average fundie.
Not enough, however, to prevent you from being a total dickweed.
"So just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it."
Take your own advice, buddy.
Also he implies that "God is unlimited" but took a full six days to make the universe. X to the fucking D
First, take a look on the "4 corners of the earth" and how the flat earth theory was resurgitated in the 19th century because they felt that "science had usurped too much God´s authority". Second, dinosaurs either existed or not. You can´t "believe" in them. Talking about "pseudo science"
And who said we 'couldn't' but when we did fly said 'shouldn't' and now say "The Bible said that"
Fuckin' lying Fundies
The Bible says the worlds a flat circle. It never calls it a sphere or a ball and yes they had words for both.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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