Heard the pope preaching heresy on New Years Day
Meant to post about it then and forgot. But we were watching the news and they showed the pope doing his service on New Years. He was as usual promoting "peace". Not peace with God through salvation of course, but peace on earth. He was saying that we have only to realize that everyone is basically good and that if we all just tried hard enough, we could have a wonderful world of real lasting peace. Sure makes me wonder what bible he's been reading, because the bible I read teaches the exact opposite of that! Oh well, at least in the part I heard he didn't mention Mary -come to think of it though, he also didn't mention Jesus, the Father or the Holy Spirit either.... just glorified mankind.
"He was saying that we have only to realize that everyone is basically good and that if we all just tried hard enough, we could have a wonderful world of real lasting peace. Sure makes me wonder what bible he's been reading, because the bible I read teaches the exact opposite of that!"[/]
His doesn't say that either. He's just trying really hard to make his religion relevant in the 21st century.
"Oh well, at least in the part I heard he didn't mention Mary -come to think of it though, he also didn't mention Jesus, the Father or the Holy Spirit either.... just glorified mankind."
Jesus is the father of the Holy Spirit?
Let me get this straight:
Jesus is the father of the Holy Spirit, and god is the father of Jesus, but Jesus, god, and the Holy Spirit are all the same entity anyway. Does that about sum it up?
Your Bible can't be the same one as mine, then. Luke 2:14, jackass.
@ Horsefeathers: I think you're reading an or for an of, there.
Oh, the horrors of being nice, or at the very least not actively mean, to other people. And how dare people try to take agency with their lives instead of leaving everything to God (who suspiciously always wants those people to do what they wanted to do in the first place).
I'm with Cindy: constant violence in the name of one's god or gods is very preferable to a peaceful world.
"He was as usual promoting "peace". Not peace with God through salvation of course, but peace on earth."
- If its any conciliation, he probably didn't mean it.
Amusing that you say the most well-known supposed Christian in the world commits heresy... and you forgot to mention it.
What's so evil about wishing for peace for the world? Geez, don't make me defend the pope.
So Cindy is saying that plague, pestilence, death, and war make God Happy? But, I thought these things make Baby Jesus cry. I guess that I got my Trinity inside out again. On a purely personal note:
Despite being raised without religion or ever taking it up I have done everything in my power to help others. Part of the reason for that, to be perfectly honest, has been to show up Christians who preach the whole "salvation through faith alone" dogma but mostly it's because I'm happier whan I'm around happy people. In the unlikely event I find myself being judged upon my death I'll stake my lifetime of kindness, generosity, and good works against all the blind faith in the world. I do everything I can to improve the mood, if not the life, of everyone around me. I seriously doubt that Cindy could make the same claim.
for the baptistic fundies, catholics aren't christains, until they are hating on, and fighting the queers.
it's all the result of a sort of divine masturbation
So... everyone's evil, life on earth is a perpetual war, and the only release is through death? And meanwhile, the only object and purpose of life is constant grovelling and prostrating and obeisance in front of the great cosmic patriarch? NO THANKS.
@ Arctic Knight: Fundy christians believe that the return of Christ will be preceded by world peace, which is the beginning of the tribulation and signals the coming of the antichrist. While they welcome the rapture with open arms, they're not exactly bouncing joyously toward the tribulation.
I've talked about this with several fundy friends and it never ceases to amaze me that they actually believe it, wholeheartedly and with great sincerity. This kind of ridiculous bullshit is but one of many reasons I am so glad to have left christianity.
Your Bible says that we should take it for granted that other people are evil, and despise them without getting to know them?
My Bible says "So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." But in Swedish, of course.
How can it be heresy to think well of people?
Oh, and it's "New Year's Day", stupid, or do you have several years beginning at the same time?
He was saying that we have only to realize that everyone is basically good and that if we all just tried hard enough, we could have a wonderful world of real lasting peace. Sure makes me wonder what bible he's been reading, because the bible I read teaches the exact opposite of that!
OK so why should I practice Christianity again? I mean seriously, why do I want to be part of a religion which believes that all men are evil and violent and peace is an impossible goal? I swear that a lot of the things Jesus said in the bible were promoting peace. Maybe I'm wrong because I was reading a Catholic bible...
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men ." - Luke 2:13-14
What Bible are you reading, Cindy?
You know, these people crow about how their Bible is the word of love, and their God is the bastion of all that is positive and wonderful in the world.
I listen to them, and all I get is fucking depression from it. They refuse to believe that people are ultimately good...no matter what happens, they believe that everyone is rotten to the core, and that is just...sad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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