Birds evolved from dinosaurs!!! REally??? The Bible says birds were created FIRST!!! Where is the concept of Evolution in all this? Dinosaurs finally got smaller, and grew wings that couldn't work? What sort of brainwashing does it take to believe this stuff???
Pterodactyl. Flying reptile. Some Lizards had fur and maybe even plumage. Dinosaurs weren't the only reptile out there, there were plenty of smaller lizards, and feathers could have been the result of trying to adapt to a colder climate as much or even moreso than flying.
Oops. There I go, being a Neo-Darwinist again! Sorry, if the Bible said they were first, who am I to argue with God?
The Bible also says that pi = 3, insects have four legs, the Earth doesn't move and is flat, water comes down from doors in heaven, hailstones are stored in warehouses in case of war, etc.
I'm a creationist and even I admit that birds are part of the group Archosauria. They are so morphologically similar to dinosaurs on so many levels. They are a type of dinosaur.
"Dinosaurs finally got smaller, and grew wings that couldn't work?"
Not all dinosaurs were big to begin with, stupid.
So the Bible got it wrong again. What's new?
(Well, what is new is my irony meter. His last sentence blew up my old one.)
First of all, not all dinosaurs were the size of Tyrannosaurus rex. There were plenty of small dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were hardly as monolithic as you seem to think. Besides, being small is not necessarily a bad thing. There are plenty of situations where natural selection would favor smaller animals. So even if there hadn't been many small dinosaurs, this argument would still fail.
Secondly, it's been proposed that dinosaurs first evolved feathers for warmth rather than flight. Some people think that Velociraptors probably had feathers, but no one thinks that they used them to fly.
“Birds evolved from dinosaurs!!! REally???”
Yes. Or more accurately, birds ARE dinosaurs.
“The Bible says birds were created FIRST!!!"
The bible says the Earth is flat and the sky is solid.
“Where is the concept of Evolution in all this?”
Not included, same as the concept ofdoctors washing hands between patients.
“Dinosaurs finally got smaller”
More betterer to say the smaller dinosaurs survived.
“and grew wings that couldn't work?”
Some of them. Others became the birds that fly with wings that work.
“ What sort of brainwashing does it take to believe this stuff???”
Just brain stuff. Education. Being smarter than a bookmark.
Nothing you need to worry about Tiddles.
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