@Sasha #192341
That’s just it, these dipshits in no way accept the actual differences of European cultures and want them sandblasted down to whatever entitles them to the most material gain as their “birthright” and not have to actually acknowledge any individuality for ways not their own are repulsive to them. But because the world as a whole is their “birthright” it’s everyone else’s responsibility to defer to them. They espouse an entirely mythical history and a homogenity that betrays their sheer contempt for the idea of unity, all they want is for the people unlike them to hand them what they think they’re due with all the same understanding and reciprocity that incels expect their warped monolithic view of women to submit to them. And hilariously the idea that everyone else is allied against the white man but would individually be obliterated by our supposed inherent superiority they’re accidentally unironically stating that unity in diversity really is their strength against whitey.
Seriously, put together all the racist caracatures and the unintentional implications that Jews, Africans, Asians etc. all have their own borderline fucking superpowers you can think of and see what that combines into. Broad skillset, no? To say nothing of their combined coffers from “racial” control of businesses as concepts legal and otherwise. And all undyingly loyal to The Plantm across generations, races, continents, faiths…
There is not one genuine sentiment anywhere in here, the greatest threat and oppressor to whites have always been ourselves as a quick look at the world’s military history makes abundantly clear. Not only do we fight each other far more than our “racial enemies” we fight each other more than the combined cultures of the world engage in war, period. Although that statement is heavily affected by the godawful habit of intentionally eradicating historical records, the scales might look a lot more even if that wasn’t the standard MO of colonization.
You know something? The “propaganda” these people think is an antiwhite agenda: CRT, frank discussions of racial grievances, the unvarnished history of exploitative practices being the foundation of most modern wealth, all these conversations we’re too chickenshit and fragile to commit to and tend to punish others for bringing up? They’re based on the premise that we are fundamentally better people than what white supremacists “proudly” portray themselves as. The “woke” agenda is that white people AREN’T monsters that cannot co-exist in peace with anything that threatens our sense of superiority and that we are capable of unbiased logic and human empathy. That we are capable of of actual growth if we step out of this childish mentality where we are kings of the sandbox hitting everyone else with sticks if they don’t recognize our crown, incapable of fault, always the victims of the mean kids even when we hit them with sticks and they keep trying to make nice, and willing to lie to ourselves just to spare our own feelings. White supremacists reject that idea. Get rid of the “woke” culture and what you’re left with is the idea that we as a race are hardwired to prey on eachother upon any sign of the “other” until the ecosystem dies out from under us and that’s if the inbred goal of “racial purity” doesn’t do us in first. So really these dipshits should thank the “woke” conspiracy of literally everyone else on Earth that they are under the impression works together in such unity as to far outstrip their own mythic narrative of a homogenous white culture that never was that they’re trying to convince us we’re better than white supremacists think we are. God knows left up to the white supremacists nobody would still be here. Being “woke” is being pro white, because the alternative is that MAGA eating itself right now for the globe to see is the inevitable fate of a “pro white” agenda held accountable only to itself while once again according to the white supremacist narrative our “racial enemies” are pretty much unbreakably loyal to one another and thus logically could outlive a “pro white” unified offensive by pretty much sitting on their hands and watching like the American Democratic party.