Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: American Racial Imperialism in England

My Nordic ancestors caused a lot of chaos around Europe and I would like to take this moment to admit I am never going to apologize for one single drop of chaos they caused, In fact I hope they had a jolly time.

(Qwad's Freedom TV)
"Indigenous communities must be respected and preserved"
"OK, what about indigenous Europeans?"

(Damian Freeman)
I am increasingly convinced that less diversity is good. Hegemony is good for harmony and unity, diversity creates conflict. And that applies to everyone, not just my own country. Japan has it right. They have their own problems but cultural degredation isn't one of them.

(Russian Waifu)
American wokeness is spreading faster than monkeypox.

I find the black and white view of racisms so limited, if you divide all races into black and white, you will eventually end up with a dilemma, however, if you see race in a traditional sense where the Germans and Polish are two different races, you can be racist in so many more ways!

(Richard Newlin)
When are we gonna talk about Africa's lack of diversity? Too much black supremacy over there.

Or Asia

Or Israel.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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