The gay marriage campaign in the US is a fraud. Gays claim they do not have the right to marry. That is false. There is no law against them living in whatever relationship they please. There are even many religious leaders who will perform marriage ceremonies for them.
What the gays really want is government recognition of their marriages. They want that so they can get lower income tax rates. They want to raid the Social Security Fund to get survivors benefits.
The US gay marriage campaign is really a campaign for money. It has nothing to do with human rights.
Which is exactly why straight people get married, for financial and legal protection, idiot. And gays pay into the fund that pays survivor's benefits just like everybody else, but were not allowed to withdraw those benefits the same as everyone else.
A ceremony performed by a "religious leader" isn't a marriage if it's not recognized by the state, but since that seems to be good enough for you, we'll just pass a law saying that's the only kind of marriage you can have. How would that work out for you? We wouldn't want your wife "raiding the Social Security fund" after you croak, now would we?
I'll award half a point, because gay marriage IS a tax issue. People who happen to be straight can marry any enjoy various tax breaks and legal protections. Gay citizens pay all the same sales, payroll, and other taxes, so they merit the same benefits.
The gay marriage campaign is just like the straight marriage custom, that is, about two people in love. But I don't see any straight couples refusing tax or inheritance benefits, do you? So why should the gays be asked to forfeit them?
You colossal asshat, that's exactly the point.
You can keep any bloody definition of religious marriage, but tax codes, custody and inheritance laws, and visitation rights to name a few should apply to all marriages equally.
If you want to deny coverage to gay couples, why do you want to offer it to straight couples to begin with?
At least Errol seems to get something other fundies don’t seem to be able to grasp. Gay people are already living together as couples and many are also raising children together, as families. They are just not allowed to have the same privileges and protections as straight couples and families can have. And that’s discrimination. Thanks for making that point, Errol!
There is no law against them living in whatever relationship they please. There are even many religious leaders who will perform marriage ceremonies for them.
Then why not make it totally legal for them in the eyes of the law?
What the gays really want is government recognition of their marriages. They want that so they can get lower income tax rates. They want to raid the Social Security Fund to get survivors benefits.
So what's wrong with that? A conservative is now claiming that wanting money is bad? Or is it bad only when it's not a conservative?
It has nothing to do with human rights.
It has everything to do with human rights when they're not allowed to get the same benefits as heterosexuals. When you get right down to it, it's sex discrimination.
@Goomy pls
At first I thought this would be a "g3ighs can marry anyone of the opposite sex they want" quote.
I did too. Maybe they found that argument was not getting any traction. Mainly because it's totally stupid.
They want to raid the Social Security Fund to get survivors benefits.
If they married someone of the opposite sex, they'd get the benefits, so you're basically complaining about the system losing a "gay bonus" it wasn't entitled to in the first place.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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