dr.dundaldo #sexist incels.is

Now this gigastacy nurse has posted several new images to her Instagram and there was one shot in particular which has caught my attention where I immediately thought to myself: This is the one. I really need to see the Photofeeler results for this one.

Here's how males rate gigastacy nurse's new Instagram photo (be careful - it mogs us into oblivion):


So she is actually in the top 1% (!) in terms of attractiveness, top 3% in terms of trustworthiness and top 5% in terms of smartness, and what's more, she is actually 180 cm = 5'10.87 tall (and that as a female). I think most of us incels would be really happy to be this tall as a male. And she actually does modeling as a side-gig.

Here are her results in detail:


Only 1 guy says that she is not attractive, I think he must be gay. lol

We all know that only the top 20% of Chads get to life a good life in this day and age.
And we all know that females get treated like our new overlords and gods.

Now imagine for one moment what life must be like for this gigastacy nurse, being in the top 1% of females. It's fucking nuts.
Just win the genetic lottery, bro!

Now I'm wondering myself what her top-tier Gigachad boyfriend must look like and how tall he might be and what job he might have.

Your rating doesn't seem very incel?

I think my rating is Betabuxx at best, as I am below average.
Only in terms of smartness they perceive me to be above average.

Also while trying online-dating, a female once even told me that I look nothing like one would expect a 29-year-old-male to look like.
My face is way too feminine for a nearly thirty-year-old and honestly, I do look like I've just finished High School and started attending university.

And I think most females (especially the younger ones with insanely high standards) want a really manly top-chad.

Just have a look at this further analysis where I decided to let females up to my age (29) rate me:


The results are even worse. So it's even harder trying to date a female your age or younger than you.

Men are supposed to work and provide for society and women, and to shut up and suffer in silence. Anything else is unmanly and deserves ridicule and disgust.

100% spot on.

Once I had to go to a female social worker in her 50s to keep on receiving Neetbux.
They always say: Just tell us your problems, we are here to listen and shit like that.

I actually tried to explain the fucked up dating market to her, showing her actual data and my experiments to prove my point.
She just said: You're not ready for a relationship and you don't know how to focus on a female partner.

So no counter-arguments at all, just a simple ad-hominem attack.
I even told her that she is just attacking me as a person, not refuting my point and arguments.

Then she said: Let's talk about something else now. lol
ZERO empathy, ZERO understanding, ZERO compassion for disadvantaged males like us



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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