various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @UniversalDelirium )
Gee, I wonder why anti-semitism is on the rise. Total mystery.
The amount of antisemitism comingfrom all corners is fucking alarming
yes I am racist! I hate white people!
( @Halp )
Anti-Semitism is a disease.You catch it from Jews.
( @Jew4FreeSpeech )
@Resist_Jewish_Supremacy @UniversalDelirium
it's OK to be White
it's awesome to be White
it's Ok to be Brown
it's awesome to be Brown
( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
Hey look everybody. A "good jew"
Also known as "controlled opposition".
Remember brothers and sisters:
Good jew or bad jew...
You're still getting jewed
( @AlexanderBeu )
@Jew4FreeSpeech @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy @UniversalDelirium
Go be a pedo faggot jew cancer with your awesome jewish pedo faggot cancers you worthless kike.
( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
@AlexanderBeu @Jew4FreeSpeech @UniversalDelirium isn't his post the perfect example of how they use jews as controlled opposition in the conservative movement?
His name "Jews for free speech " these are the operatives who keep whites focused on anything except the reality that they are being genocide from every angle Including multiculturalism which this jew is making statements supporting
( @BuddhistBob )
@UniversalDelirium we hate you too Jew.
( @DeboonDaboom )
@BuddhistBob @UniversalDelirium Hates white people, yet decides to live in their country. Why doesn't he go to Isreal?
( @ApatheticExtinction )
@UniversalDelirium Oh we're just getting started jewboy. He hasn't seen anything yet
( @MasonCutlip )