Dr. Mantis Tobbogan #racist niggermania.net

My Nigdar was going off the charts a couple days ago when I was passed on the freeway by this wannaBe fast n' furious car although a lot cheaper at about 100 mph and then it swirved to the right to cut me off and "weave" through 2-lane traffic and nearly crashed on the right side of the freeway even though there was an 8 ft shoulder (it oversteered). When it passed me I could hear the crappy KIA engine or whatever just being destroyed by full throttle. On the back I see it has a new (or used) car lisense plate... before it exited the freeway (on the university exit of course) it nearly slammed into a car that merged to the right to also get off on that exit, had to slam on the brakes as hard as it could.

In my head I though "for sure this is a nigger" I pulled up along side it at stop sign on exit, and glared at it and of course it was. Goddamn Niggers stupid fucking niggers. Now you might say so what, but keep in mind there not many niggers in my town, so percentage wise, the odds were low it would be a nigger, but of course its actions give it away 110%. And then to top it off, after exiting freeway, I see this nigger whore while I am driving through town on the way to my destination. Disgusting. It was at the very edge of the downtown area in a town of only 15,000 and you never see whores in the town really.

Just the sight of niggers ruins my evening, but this is rediculous...The University is ruining this town by sucking in all these fucking niggers from out of area with their free scholarships and quotas and sports drafting, student and car loans etc. and the humans up here have no experience with niggers, like whoever sold that monkey the car, and actually believes a nigger will pay the loan back... More importantly though a human might get hurt by chimpanzee nigger moron who thinks he's in an fast n furious movie.



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