various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @vaccineregrets )

spoilerI've woken up to a text saying my work
colleague *died suddenly*, last night,
from heart attack...
This is the THIRD person aged 35-45 1
personally know in less than the last
This was NOT happening pre mRNA

( @KitJackson )
@vaccineregrets I'm 70 years old and I haven't known 3 people who "died suddenly" in my whole life..... until this year......

( @mik2260 )
@vaccineregrets I just went to a funeral Friday of a friend that had a heart attack in a cracker barrel parking lot. Just got a call from my crying wife, her aunt just died suddenly this morning and she did have the mRNA injection. I think we maybe entering the mass die off phase.

( @Relics_Rags_Co )
@mik2260 @vaccineregrets my sister who has a heart condition and already had open heart surgery at 42 was just convinced by her "Cardiologist" who is supposed to be one of the best in the nation to get the jab. He told her that it will protect her from the kung flu. She is now having more problems and her skin is really blotchy. Almost like she has vitiligo

( @mik2260 )
@Relics_Rags_Co @vaccineregrets I figured it out earlier that COVID was to get you to take the injections. My first loss from these injections was my uncle who died a few days after his first dose. I tried warning everyone to the point they all have me on snooze. All's you can do is keep trying to convince her not to take anymore. Sending prayers and positive thoughts that you can get threw to your sister.

( @Aloha_Patriot )
@vaccineregrets Buried my best friend last week from the same thing.. 42 years old.

No issues with his health prior to the jab, and reasonably fit. Here.. then gone.. like that.

( @NumbersGame )
@vaccineregrets Music to the globalists' ears though. Unfortunately for them they're killing off the sheep and leaving pissed off wolves.

( @KathyIngram )
@NumbersGame @vaccineregrets , ive wondered about that, and i think maybe theyd get more evil joy out of turning us into their slaves, etc., than the compliant ones....

( @OCRedWave )
@vaccineregrets But hey, they didn’t die from COVID. So, thank goodness for that, right?



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