NuclearRedfield & HikikunDeformis #racist #conspiracy

RE: Blaming joos is pathetic


Those of you that blame jooos look exactly like the nigger-americans that blame whitey all the time.

Muh whitey poisons food. Muh whitey promotes rap music. Muh whitey wants us fat n'dumb that's why whitey promotes public schools. Muh whitey is responsible for negro lowIQ. Muh whitey is causing global warming.

You jooooos obsessed ones look exactly like a nigger or an ethnic when you say muh jooooos caused slavery, muh jooooos own media, muh jooooos promote vaccines, muh joooooos are 1%, much jooooos do usury.

Wow you're stupid. I have seen this moronic argument hundreds of times. I hate to break it to you but the Jews really do control pretty much everything. And enviromental manipulation and social engineering does have a big impact on humans because we're a social animal. I suggest you to get educated before opening your mouth boy. And if you're not a boy and over 25. You're not even a man. You're strickly a male and nothing more.

A mechanical engineer gets tricked by a gypsy who didn't finish middle school because said gypsy is street smart, knows how to cheat and the victim is a more moral and kinder person. Therefore the low IQ gypsy is racially superior to his victim in your case.

Jews as a group created nothing. They lives as parasytes, slave traders money lenders. Until Israel was created they were just nomadic scum like gypsies. Moving from place to place leeching off existing society and robbing it's inhabitants. Very often they would get absolutely destroyed by Europeans. Only in recent history after a few dozen attemps did they gain meaningful power. And even then only because they race mixed with Europeans and became more similar to them in appearance.

They couldn't pull off the same thing in Asia because they are easier to spot there. By now a lot of them are basically Europeans. The main difference is that they are holding on to their vile primitive death cult called Judaism



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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