Your abnormal perverted lifestyle is what the issue is. It is not hatred of you. All of you sodomites attempt to spin which can't be spun! Repent and change your ways, or spend eternity in Fiery HELL! It is your choice...Don't Blow It!
"Your abnormal perverted lifestyle is what the issue is. It is not hatred of you."
To a woman in a situation similar to Charlize Theron's character in North Country:
Man: "Your taking of this job from a man who needs it to provide for his family is what the issue is. It is not hatred of you."
> And you worry, why? Are you unable to resist sin without help?
I think you commented on the wrong article. The fashion police are over here
But my girlfriend wants me to blow it, as soon as we find someone acceptable. And what happens with a strap-on behind closed doors is none of your business.
So, bets that nojack here tried to sit and spin and couldn't manage it?
"Don't Blow It!"
Their slogan: 'If you've got one, we'll give it a blow. Job's a good 'un!
Threat of physical violence, #745,205,456,392,583,375,294,582,......
Repent and change your ways, or spend eternity in Fiery HELL!
No, no! Repent and eat chicken and cheesecake with separate forks /eat a magic wafer chanted over by a priest / face Mecca and knock your head on the floor five times a day /stop listening to heavy metal music / ___________ (fill in the blank with your favorite thing you think God wants you to do) or spend eternity in Fiery HELL!
"It is not about hatred."
Yes it is. For starters, homophobic fundies simply construct strawmen to try and kick down LGBT folks.
Speaking about someone's "abnormal perverted lifestyle" does tend to give people the idea that you hate that person, numbskull.
It's the homophobes that are attempting to spin that which can't be spun; LGBT people are born that way, stupid, they can't change!
Judge not, lest ye be judged, nojack, or you're going to spend eternity in Firey HELL too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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