Alan Vaughn #sexist

“If you ever become a parent, I can guarantee you that you won’t want the age of consent to be as low as 12.”
Well I am a parent and have two daughters – one is actually twelve years old.
I don’t know if she’s having sex now or not, but I’d be surprised if she ISN’T.
She is seeing boys around her age group—
When I was a teenager myself, I had sex with what are now termed ‘underage’ girls or ‘children’— (If I was 15 or 16 yrs old now, I would probably be locked up for 5 or 10 years)!
I suspect, nothing’s changed much since then (35 yrs later).
Let’s be realistic here: You cannot make laws that change nature. Nature has laws that are very rigid (including reproduction, accomplished by opposite genders of the same species engaging in some kind of sexual contact). If the two partners feel the urge to engage in this, it will happen REGARDLESS of what the feminist / religious zealot nonsense law-makers try to enforce.
The only thing the age of consent seems to achieve is the criminalization of men, (as such laws only apply to men in reality, even though they are supposed to apply equally to both genders) for doing nothing other than following one of NATURE’S laws.

So DAD, I would not have a problem at all if they restore the ‘age of consent’ back to twelve years as it was not so long ago and still is set at 12 years old in many other countries outside of the feminist ruled West.

Use your brains, or did you come down in the last shower of rain?? (Don’t be so naive).



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