The earth is spinning but it is slowing down. So that means that it used to be going faster. How many can figure that out with no help? Okay several. Well, now if the earth is only 6,000 years old that is not a problem. It was probably spinning a little faster when Adam was here. Maybe they had 23 and 1/2 hours in a day. They would not notice, they did not have a watch anyway.
The earth is spinning but it is slowing down. So that means that it used to be going faster. How many can figure that out with no help? Just because you needed help to figure it out, does not mean that the rest of us did.
Okay several. You are used to really stupid audiences aren't you?
Well, now if the earth is only 6,000 years old that is not a problem. It was probably spinning a little faster when Adam was here. Maybe they had 23 and 1/2 hours in a day. The rotation of the Earth is slowing down at a rate of about 2.2 seconds every 100000 years. So 6,000 years ago, a day might have been something on the order of 2/15 of a second shorter. Not a half an hour. Didn't you get a calculator in the same cereal box as you got your diploma?
Oh, Kent!
[laugh track goes here]
"earth is spinning but it is slowing down."
Prove it
"So that means that it used to be going faster"
But how do you know it's slowing down?
"Maybe they had 23 and 1/2 hours in a day"
Maybe, if it's slowing down.
Twenty-footed ghost, the earth actually is slowing down, ever so slightly.
I guess some little decay is to be expected over billions of years, no? It's nothing noticable over the course of human history, of course, and probably wouldn't amount to much difference, even between now and when dinosaurs roamed.
It's like continental drift, only a trillion times slower, so it's hard to imagine.
Kent is just trying to use it in his fun stories of literal-interpretation-land to give it an air of credibility.
Kent, my dear, it actually is OK to be ignorant about certain things.
The thing is, for it to be OK, you must ADMIT your ignorance and then allow those who DO know about it to tutor you. What you cannot do is speculate about things and then pass them off as facts. That makes you not only ignorant, it makes you stupid and a liar on top of that.
Being ignorant is not a sin, but bearing false witness is.
But what if earth slowed down more than that? What if a day was only 2 hours long? then a year would be only 1/12 of what it is now, which means people back then could live to be 900 years old!!!!!! I think you've made a breakthrough in the field of creationism. It's a stupid breakthrough but it's a stupid field so that's OK.
This is Kent misrepresenting facts yet again, nothing new about that.
Nothing Kent has put forward works is real science, he takes a real premise sometimes but avoids the conclusions that are already established to fit his bullshitination.
He's a huge liar and Christians follow him blindly (He's actually proof that they'll accept anything to make their Bible work)
Half the crap he spouts are old creationist arguments and accusations of fraud in science that were disproven years ago.
The earth is spinning but it is slowing down. So that means that it used to be going faster.
Sure. About 600 million years ago it was spinning at about 400 rpy (revolutions per year), and now it's down to 365.25 rpy. In fact, this gives us yet another way to date fossils that is consistent with the geological and radiometric dating.
So according to a "reliable" source that I found
"This would put the Earth's rotation at about 6.5 hours per day/night cycle, when it was created, 4.5 billion years ago."
And what is the problem with that? None of what exists on the earth existed then. So don't try to tell me something like we couldn't exist under those circumstances.
He knows his audience is that stupid, and he intends to keep it that way. It works: as proof of that witness how his fans refuse to accept that they've been scammed by a lying, thieving conman but instead continue to defend him.
"No, you misunderstand! I was *going* to pay my taxes, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. You see, the earth is slowing down..."
I defy anyone to sit through that entire lecture from begining to end without a break.
If you haven't tried to gouge your own teeth out with a teaspoon by the end, then you're a better person than I am.
I saw some earlier posts where this Hovind (who until recently I had no clue about) was mentioned. Then I read this. I understood. I also laughed. Silly Hovind, you make my day a little brighter by letting me realize that despite my flaws, failings, and my great ignorance on so many things, there is still someone out there just a tad more stupid than myself. THANKS.
come on Kent please be honest, how many times did you sniff that glue?
Edit: Edwardo, the patron saint of douche-baggery you were reading my mind :)
Murrr creation site make me dumb, brain not work good.
Really! Spiral galaxies would loose their shape? How do things get into spiral shapes? They are grown or swirled out of an existing disc.
How can you look at an obvious cause and effect situation, and get it utterly ass about?
Is there some sort of Fundie church ceremony involving these creationist seminars, a power drill and bleach?
He sounds like he's lecturing to 5 year olds.
I think my IQ decreased by several points just reading that shite. Fortunately, that still leaves me at least 60 points above Kent.
The fact that he uses arguments like this (even after it being explained to him) and his followers accept arguments like this (because they're used to clinging to false hope) speaks volumes about his Fundie market.
Ray Comfort and Ken Ham are also getting rich from desparate creationists with no reasoning skills
And just how did you determine that it is slowing down? Does it say that in your bible?
Let me guess...Science? And why do you accept this science that says it's slowing down when you say that all of the other sciences of geology, evolution, cosmology, the Big Bang, are all crap?
Just like when Ken Ham says "billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth". I have one question for him-"How, exactly, did you determine that there would be "billions" of dead things? Where does it say that there would be "billions" of dead things in your bible?" He accepts science to tell him there are billions of fossils, yet at the same time throws out all other science that doesn't agree with his book of mythology.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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