Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie

Joel Webbon declared that the world would be “better” if the “Christian crusaders had won” their battles. In a discussion with fellow Christian nationalist Andrew Isker, Webbon also claimed that the “modern state of Israel” will one day “belong to Christians”

Webbon, who leads the Covenant Baptist Church and recently called the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust “exaggerated,” made the remarks on a video titled “Why Talmudic Judaism Is A Perversion Of The Old Testament”

Webbon explained to Andrew Isker that “Wherever the church gathers on the Lord’s day, whether it be in Asia, or whether it be in Russia, or whether it be here in these United States, that … in the truest, highest eternal sense, is Jerusalem.” However, he added that the actual city of Jerusalem nonetheless “belongs to Christ”

And he also defended the Crusades[…]
“And in a symbolic sense, in a historical sense, as a monument to God’s glory, and His faithfulness, and His — yeah we want to take Jerusalem,” Webbon said. “And also, even in an economic sense, in a foreign affairs peace sense, if the Crusaders, the Christian Crusaders, had won, the world would be different. It would be better

Webbon also said that while the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 was “one of the biggest mistakes that the West got involved and made happen,” it currently belongs to Israelis who have a “right to self-defense.” However, he added the caveat that the Israelis will one day “lose the land” to Christians

Webbon explained that Israelis have a right to the land, they “do not have an eternal, indefinite, divine right” to it

“It will belong to Christians,” Webbon predicted, “and it may belong to those particular people or their descendants who will become Christians and convert to Christ, because the knowledge of the glory of God will cover the whole Earth as the waters cover the sea”

“Amen,” Andrew Isker said in response



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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