Claudia Perfettti #fundie

Having a science backround[sic],(I'm a dentist and my husband an ophtalmologist[sic]) we are delighted to hear some good sense being presented. Most people don`t realize the bias that colors their thinking. They take whatever is being taught without invenstigating[sic] the facts. There is a great difference when it comes to facts, and evolution doesn't have any. It's not me who says it but Stephen Jay Gould who couldn't find a single proved fact about evolution among his collegues[sic]. We can't either. We christians[sic] risk our lives for our faith so we are accustomed to study the hard facts and the evidence. Our very lives depend on it. That is the difference. Please, please do investigate the hard facts of science and learn to discard the fairy tales. Respectfuly[sic], Claudia



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