#conspiracy #crackpot

How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals » 14 July 04
We have all heard jokes about tinfoil hats. Turns out there might be some practical truth to that idea. Aluminum foil really does attenuate (lessen) certain EM radiation if electrically grounded and not touching the skin. For those who are heavily bombarded by microwave beams from sources like cellphone towers, which is easy to determine if you have an RF signal detector as I do, blocking these waves with grounded metal sheets goes a long way to lessening the radiation.

A large source of dangerous EM radiation comes in the form of microwaves emitted by cell phone towers. From personal experimentation, and hearing the experiences of others, I am convinced that microwave pollution and intentional targeting can muddle thoughts, induce fatigue, reduce willpower, and maybe even subliminally implant thoughts or entrain emotional states. They may also be used for monitoring purposes.

Using a microwave signal strength meter, I have made several objective observations about these signals:

They tend to be beamed through the window of a room where one spends the most time, usually the window facing the front street.
They are specifically directed to target and track a person inside his home.
The tracking speed is slow, and when the target moves, the signal takes several seconds or minutes to search and find the target at his new location.
When the target enters an area in his home that the signal cannot reach, the signal goes on a wide search mode, thinking the target has left his home and is traveling about town.
When the primary window is blocked off, within days the signal finds another window or thin wall to penetrate.
One can feel the effects of this signal, which may induce a dull headache or pressure in the temples.
It appears cell phone towers are generating these signals by triangulating hotspots on selected tracked targets. This would require that computers perform the calculations necessary to alter the signal of each of three cell phone towers so as to triangulate a hotspot of signal at the target’s location. When the target moves, new calculations have to be made, which takes several seconds. Maybe something else generates the beams, like satellites.

These signals may consist of microwave carriers with ELF modulation, and perhaps with audio or text encoded messages. Some possibilities:

The microwaves resonate with DNA, can penetrate flesh and bone, pass through some walls and windows, and are already in use by cell phones.
These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking.
Besides the ELF waves that entrain brain states, the carrier may also convey audio messages. I have not verified what these messages are, but they could be something along the lines of “you are angry, you cannot think, you give up, you have no energy, etc.” These audio messages could be modulated into the microwave carrier via frequency modulation, while the ELF brain-entrainment signals could be amplitude modulated.
There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. These can induce anger, frustration, sadness, or essentially any human emotion into susceptible targets
Standing waves within buildings can cause phase cancellation, turning the EM energy into scalar waves instead. These may have additional psychological, biological, and even paranormal effects.
Who is responsible for all this? Probably shadow factions of the military/intelligence community. If they wish to keep the population docile and keep all dissenters from acting upon their dissenting thoughts, no means are unthinkable to accomplish those ends.

What Can Be Done
There are two things you can do. First, you can learn to better cope with these signals. The more you are in control of your own mind and emotions, and the more observant you are about your own behavior, the less influence these signals have upon your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Knowing is half the battle. Second, you can take additional steps to reduce the level of EM radiation in your home, by blocking these signals.

Standard methods of blocking microwave mind programming signals consist of Faraday cages, but proper Faraday cages made from copper mesh are difficult and expensive to build. Meanwhile, aluminum foil hats actually increase signal exposure by acting as antennas and resonant cavities unless they are grounded, so you can forget about that.

An easy and relatively cost-effective way to block microwaves goes as follows:

1) Obtain these items:

Several emergency foil blankets (also known as space blankets, emergency camping blankets, or mylar foil blankets). These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Available on Amazon.
Banana plug to Alligator test leads. These cables will clip onto the foil sheets and plug into the ground hole on your electrical outlet. Available on Amazon.
Alligator leads, to connect one sheet to another. Available on Amazon.
Duct tape, packing tape, or masking tape to hang up the sheets.
RF / MW (radio frequency / microwave) signal detector, optional but highly recommended. Two that work well are the Cornet RF Meters on eBay and 3-Axis EMF Meter (orange ball) on eBay. Detectors are important. I call them anti-paranoia meters, because these will confirm that you’re not just being paranoid. Their frequency range must go up to 3 Ghz minimum, 6 Ghz ideal. Anything lower than that will not pick up on the higher frequency microwaves. Avoid the CellSensor detector and anything that’s a gauss meter, since these are only good for low frequency fields under 1000 Hz like from transformers, power lines, and household appliances, not cell tower radiation which is typically in the 900 Mhz to 4 Ghz (4,000 MHz) range.
If you cannot obtain a signal detector, take your best guess at which windows or walls to cover. An ideal choice would be the corner or wall closest to your bed. Any protection is better than no protection. But without a device to measure what’s really there, your subjectivity may get the better of you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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