
Tom(Montalk) and Carissa #magick #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger montalk.net

Join Tom and Carissa for an unprecedented drill down on consciousness, reality, and the Law of Attraction. This 8-part podcast miniseries aims to decipher the deepest and darkest mysteries of this Matrix construct.

Part 1: Consciousness, Synchronicity, and Manifestation

✧ What is "frequency" really?
✧ Exploring mind vs. matter
✧ Synchronicity vs. causality
✧ Examples of reality creation
✧ Understanding thoughtforms and the Demiurge
✧ Shaping probable futures through mindset

Part 2: Vibrational Matching, States of Consciousness, Manifesting Pitfalls

✧ Attracting like-minded individuals
✧ Contagious synchronistic numbers
✧ States of consciousness shaping reality
✧ Spontaneous invisibility
✧ Synchronization of multiple realities
✧ The pitfalls of manifesting from the false self
Part 4: Manifestation Modes, Realm Breaches, Quantum Entanglement, False Beliefs

✧ Specificity vs. generality
✧ Entities manipulating the subconscious
✧ When negative forces breach your realm
✧ Quantum entanglement & tangibility
✧ Monkey's Paw Principle
✧ Higher positive beings
✧ Rethinking necessity of suffering
Part 6: Targeting, Frequency Manipulation, Battle for Personal Sovereignty

✧ Gangstalking & paranormal harassment
✧ Personal frequency's role in attracting it
✧ Realm breaching as a step-by-step process
✧ Freewill occult warnings
✧ Black helos, MILAB handlers, and surveillance
✧ Shifting frequency to beat them

Part 7: Retro-causality, Probable Futures & Resonance, Symbolic Synchronicities

✧ Retrocausality
✧ Trans-temporal feedback loops
✧ Attracting probable futures through resonance
✧ Physics as programmed consciousness
✧ Dream weirdness vs. Fortean anomalies
✧ Precursor synchronicities
✧ Signs from the departed

Part 8: Dream vs. Simulation, Transcendence, and the Power of Divine Will

✧ Semiotic & Reflexive aspects of reality
✧ Etheric plane as "Matrix" code
✧ Superconscious beings beyond spacetime
✧ The purgatorial function of reality
✧ Myths that warn about misuse of power
✧ Transcendence through divine will

Tom(Montalk) #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger montalk.net

Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers.
Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields
The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead:
The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. The top mistake fringe researchers make is limiting their interpretation of the Ark’s function to the perspective of conventional physics and engineering. Thus they propose it was merely a spark gap radio, electrical capacitor, seismic energy transducer, algae food grower, or some other mundane device. While each of these may explain a few alleged Ark traits, they cannot account for them all.

High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything. Just as in Alchemy, conventional scientific principles may enter into the equation but are not the only ones involved. While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it.

For instance, it’s worth noting that, topologically speaking, the Ark is a spherical capacitor, where one electrode is nested inside the other. According to my fringe physics research, what makes spherical capacitors special is that they can receive, transmit, absorb, and emit gravity waves. It has to do with changes in charge density coupling to changes in the gravitational potential. If the Ark was a spark gap radio, it would have had to intercept gravity waves and convert them to electrical arcing between the two winged figures.
In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the operator/priest’s instructions. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls.

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As mentioned, aliens can lurk nearby while invisible. In physics terminology this happens when they have not yet fully rotated themselves into our dimension, their quantum wave functions have not fully collapsed into our reality, or their quantum phases are not fully locked into our own. In occult terminology, this happens when they manifest within the etheric plane without condensing fully into the physical. The etheric is a transitionary boundary layer between the physical and nonphysical, functioning as an invisible substratum to the physical world but containing energies, beings, and constructs that influence the physical at the quantum level. Think of it as the backstage to our reality, the area behind the curtain of our limited five-sense perception.

In this invisible or etheric state, aliens can monitor targets without normally being noticed. By getting close to their targets, they can more effectively project strong thoughts into a person’s subconscious, giving him impulses, ideas, or inspirations that he will take as his own and act upon unless he questions their origins and rationality.

Greys in an etheric state are known to attach themselves to a person like an invisible parasite, subtly influencing the person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors even as he goes about his day. Aliens who require lifeforce energy for sustenance can also lurk in proximity to highly emotional, sexually charged, or distressing human activities to harvest the energy released.
Targets may also receive etheric implants, etheric gadgetry attached to them externally, and etheric devices or observation booths installed into their homes for monitoring and influencing purposes. This capability can be scaled up to allow alien bases to coexist on top of physical human military bases or airports, for example, dimensionally shifted and thus overlapping, seemingly occupying the same three dimensional space.

Tom/Montalk.net #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger montalk.net

So the Great Pyramid was being resonated at the Schumann frequency, and with limestone and granite being piezoelectric that meant mechanical oscillations would be converted into electrical oscillations. Further, mass itself generates gravity waves when shaken or accelerated, so the pyramid was creating mechanical, gravitational, electric, and magnetic waves at the resonant frequency of the planet. All the while being located at the center of Earth’s land mass and having a height to base ratio that mimics the ratio between earth’s polar radius to equatorial radius. That’s why scholars saying it was merely a tomb are out of their minds.

Ok, so while it’s doing all that, plasma inside is ignited by the alien technology and then vocal sounds are passed through it. Plasma consists of electrically charged particles and sound waves are longitudinal in nature, that means they compress back and forth rather than wiggle side to side when they travel. When you send longitudinal waves through a plasma, the charges are moved longitudinally and since accelerating charges emit energy, the result is longitudinal waves which are also known as scalar or electrogravitational waves. So you have these longitudinal scalar waves encoding a certain vowel sound, being put atop the 7.8 Hz carrier wave or vice versa, and with a piece of alien technology at the heart of it all. The vowel sound, well you know about the power of the word, of magical invocations, about the Logos and how in the beginning there was the Word.

Oddly similar to what HAARP is doing nowadays with resonating the ionosphere, right? Except this was over five thousand years ago and made primarily of stone and set into motion by water. The thing probably lit up like Christmas tree due to all the plasma and electrical fields, so isn’t it funny that in the Old Testament, the Great Pyramid was referred to as Mount Horeb, which means glowing mountain.

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It is through quantum mechanical processes and exotic electromagnetic fields that the soul interfaces via neurons and DNA with the physical body. These exotic fields include electrogravitic and scalar/vector potential fields. It is possible generate such signals artificially to disrupt the soul-body interface.

Such fields can also be used to heal (as in the case of Rife beam units) but the occult technocracy that runs this world prefers to use technology that manipulates and kills the “useless eaters” instead. The combination of quantum mechanics and exotic effects leads to a holographic resonance principle employed in radionic and psionic technologies. It is where the vibrational signature of one object can be transmitted to and mingled with the vibration of another. For instance, with radionics it is possible to mix the vibration of a pesticide with a sample of a bug-infested lawn in a radionic machine, and soon the lawn is cleared of insects without a single drop of pesticide physically sprayed on it.

The individualized human soul projects its own quantum-exotic field (aura) via the etheric body which tends to keep the body’s cells organized and operating coherently. This field can be sensed by certain psychics and can also be captured with Kirlian photograph. Kirlian photography actually captures the static electrical discharges of an object placed on an electrode, but the aura alters the fundamental constants of space (the permittivity of free space to be exact) which changes the dielectric constant and hence lowers the resistance of the vacuum/air along certain lines through space, which the electrical discharges tend to thereby follow.

montalk.net #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #ufo montalk.net

My goal in this note is to interpret the Elder Futhark (old Norse rune alphabet, a.k.a. Viking alphabet) from the viewpoint that they are a collection of scientific diagrams pertaining to hyperdimensional physics and metaphysics.

The mythical origins of the Celts and Nordics suggests their ancestors were once a technologically advanced and partially fourth density (semi-4D) race who suffered a cataclysmic vibrational descent into 3D Earth, after which they became ever more divested of their supernatural powers by increasingly taking upon themselves the constraints of three dimensional space and linear time, whether through genetic intermixing with the indigenous population or through gradual acclimatization to the lower vibrational levels.

Now, according to rune mythology, in an act of self-sacrifice the god Odin hung himself upside down from the great tree Yggdrasil for nine days, during which the 24 runic symbols were revealed to him. Comparing this myth to other similar ones (see the book Hamlet’s Mill) makes it evident that the “world tree” is representative of our linear timeline with all its branches, i.e. the multiverse or fractal holographic matrix of spacetime.

When a higher being enters the lower realms and undergoes an act of suffering and sacrifice, that is crucifixion. Odin hanging from the tree, or Christ from the cross, is symbolic of hyper-dimensional consciousness entering and being crucified upon the cross of space-time. So this represents, at one level of interpretation, the semi-4D race falling into the darker 3D realms and being enchained by the constraints of space and time.

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The Ark <of The Covenant> Stone seemed to possess an intelligence, which in the Old Testament was named Yahweh or the Lord of Israel. This intelligence was a psychopathic parasite that was none other than the personified extension of the Corrupt Demiurge.

The same way the Grail Stone was a remote terminal for the Christ intelligence, the Ark Stone was one for the Corrupt Demiurge. How did this come about? It happened when the Mosaic priesthood in Egypt deployed the Ark Stone in an act of black magic to liberate themselves from the Egyptian power structure that had deposed Akhenaten and oppressed them. It was a pact made with a demonic force. It’s possible that the Great Pyramid, as described in the Biblical description of the events at Mount Sinai, functioned as a reprogramming device for the Stone, allowing a different intelligence to take possession of it.

While the Osarseph rebellion failed, their “Lord” guided them out of Egypt and established them in Canaan, birthing the nation of Israel. Thus a desperate act of black magic over three thousand years ago injected Israel into history and changed the course of the timeline. Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Islam were among the consequences. How many wars have resulted from this, and how much closer are we to WWIII today because of it? History was altered in such a way that, today, we are far more vulnerable to global alien takeover than otherwise; hence through the Ark Stone, the Corrupt Demiurge found a deep inroad into the timeline by which the timeline could be bent toward fulfillment of its dark goals.

Tom (Montalk) #magick #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #crackpot montalk.net

We see this element in the story of Adam and Eve, the Lucifer Rebellion and fallen angels, what Orfeo Angelucci was told regarding members of a meta-civilization that fell into 3D Earth incarnation, the Matrix Trilogy where humanity was imprisoned into a simulated reality, or Dorothy falling along with her house into the Land of Oz.
In other words, it speaks of our disconnection from Spirit and the acquisition of lower ego or lower intellect, which is our internal uplink to the Corrupt Demiurge. It symbolizes the grafting upon our pure souls of what Castaneda calls “the Predator.” This event was our insertion into the Matrix energy farm.

Stated in terms of the Cassiopaean paradigm, our primordial 3D STO human soul matrix naïvely elected to incarnate into a 3D STS gene pool prepared by 4D STS genetic engineers. Together with clarifications made by Boris Mouravieff, the picture revealed is that we were once simple beings without ego or intellect, but who had some of our higher faculties intact and were in full harmony with the Logos. After the Fall, our higher faculties were disconnected and we developed lower ego and lower intellect. Through the latter we would achieve the possibility of wisdom and discernment, though also the possibility of propagating evil. Once discernment reaches sufficient perfection, the optimal outcome is that our higher faculties also return, allowing the development of the higher intellect and thus co-equal existence with the “gods.”
It all points to our physical reality being one grand machine involving Earth, Sun, Galactic Center, Etheric Tide, collective consciousness, and high demiurgic technologies interacting to determine the particular timeline or state of reality we experience.
Reality, the ultimate oxymoron, is not simply a deterministic assemblage of matter and energy, but a perennially mutable product of intelligent creation. The World Dream is a fractal mosaic reflecting hyperdimensional archetypes and events.

montalk.net #conspiracy #magick #ufo montalk.net

Matrix Control System
Control infrastructure of the corrupted Demiurge and its minions.
Manipulates humanity via artificial synchronicity, demonic possession, alien mind programming, and limitation of perception to the five senses.
A synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, or something that appears accidental but has a hidden purpose; can come from positive of negative sources.
Matrix suppresses individuality, awareness, and initiative by amplifying people’s weaknesses and subjecting them to emotionally draining melodramas.
It is a tool used by spiritually atrophied beings to subliminally control spiritually powerful humans and feed off their energies.
It is built and maintained by negative hyperdimensional beings who require this energy for survival and power.
In more general terms, the Matrix is the invisible control system around us which manipulates our minds, emotions, and actions without us necessarily noticing, questioning, or fighting it.
It uses a variety of human agents to accomplish its job; anyone who lacks a soul or spirit is a prime Matrix agent.
The Matrix interfaces with the underlying “machine code” of our reality and can manipulate certain aspects of our timeline to create circumstances that bias our choices.
At its core, the Matrix is an etheric, pseudo-conscious machine that crunches data about our habits, emotional patterns, and present behavior in order to synchronistically insert an appropriate event in our life for effective control and the extraction of energy.
Because we are more conscious than the Matrix, we can overcome it; it’s a matter of regaining and exercising our freewill through knowledge.

Montalk.net #crackpot #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger montalk.net


When we speak of vibration, we are really talking about waves with amplitude, frequency, and phase. Amplitude is the strength, frequency the rapidity of fluctuation, and phase the alignment or timing of a wave. For a wave to exist and propagate there must be a source and medium, that which generates vibration and that which carries it outward. For instance, a guitar string initiates vibrations that travel through air in the form of alternating peaks and troughs in air pressure.

Soul vibrations are no less tangible than sound waves, though their nature and medium of propagation are more exotic. They employ the same medium through which light and radio waves travel but are made of potential waves rather than electromagnetic waves. This means the soul vibratory field (also known as the aura) consists of fields and waves far subtler than electric or magnetic fields, which is why conventional instruments cannot detect the aura. Nevertheless this field is rife with patterned energy and information — the very stuff of thought and emotion.

Realm dynamics is essentially about quantum physics, or at least how quantum principles allow consciousness to interface with physical reality. Quantum physics calculates probable futures and consciousness selects which one to experience. But whereas conventional science says quantum effects are limited to the subatomic scale, here we acknowledge that perhaps quantum phenomena are just as active in the macroscopic world and actually drive the progression of our experiences.

Because quantum processes determine not only what we perceive but also through what we perceive, we are largely unaware of their influence. <...> Conventional science only looks downward and fails to realize that a massive quantum current is what moves us through time. But how exactly does consciousness manifest experience?

montalk.net #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy montalk.net

Based on the clues given in The Zelator we must conclude that the Eighth Sphere by definition encompasses all the nonphysical aspects of the Matrix Control System, the service-to-self (STS) hierarchy from top to bottom minus the physical levels of which we ourselves are part.

The Eighth Sphere would therefore include: the lower astral planes where carnal and demonic thoughtforms dwell, the hyperdimensional realms inhabited by so-called reptilian beings, the parasitic etheric lattice overlaying the earth comprising the very tendrils of the Matrix, the soul-pool of which spiritless humans are incarnate extensions, and the demiurgic creature positioned atop the negative occult hierarchy sucking into itself all energy gathered from the “tiers” below.

For instance, that spiritless humans have something to do with the moon is clear from the fact that they, being extensions of less evolved (“second density”) energies occupying human (“third density”) bodies, are essentially two-and-a-half density beings, which relates to the two-and-a-half-day pig. Pigs, by the way, are physically incapable of looking up at the sky which, in addition to the fact that they share many human characteristics and have genetics strongly suited to house low vibrational frequencies, makes them ideal symbols for the animal nature in man. That the moon shares an archetypal basis with spiritless humans is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather than generating its own, just as spiritless humans are not fully third density and merely reflect back the soul image of others.

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Negative Hyperdimensional Entrainment

This technique of entrainment to achieve greater deterministic influence is a favorite tactic of self-serving hyperdimensional entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more tangibly they can do so, the less freewill their targets have to resist. From our linear time perspective, these entities come from a very negative probable future and are interacting with us now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain us into reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being an obstacle to them. We know these entities more commonly as the negative variety of gray, reptilian, mantis, and nordic alien factions. Not surprisingly, their method of operation is entirely consistent with the quantum mechanics of time travel. By manipulating rather than forcing their targets toward spiritual slavery, they may ensnare souls on timelines more lush than their own.

A fascinating but disturbing phenomenon happens to people who get too paranoid, depressed, desperate, or fearful regarding matters of darkness. Alien abductees, conspiracy researchers, paranormal investigators, newbies to Matrix research – they are all vulnerable to enhancing the object of their fears by getting too emotionally entangled. Fear vectors one toward a probable future of vulnerability, initiating a feedback loop that ensures one becomes vulnerable unless the vector switches orientation towards something more emotionally and spiritually balanced.

Those obsessively fearful of grays will draw them in, those obsessively paranoid of government monitoring will receive it, those easily freaked out by the artificially synchronistic nature of the matrix will be swarmed by weirdness. The feedback loop induces a self-reinforcing downward spiral whereby traumatic experience creates fear and fear creates further trauma. The person is always free to choose transcendence and break out of the loop.


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How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals
montalk.net » 14 July 04
We have all heard jokes about tinfoil hats. Turns out there might be some practical truth to that idea. Aluminum foil really does attenuate (lessen) certain EM radiation if electrically grounded and not touching the skin. For those who are heavily bombarded by microwave beams from sources like cellphone towers, which is easy to determine if you have an RF signal detector as I do, blocking these waves with grounded metal sheets goes a long way to lessening the radiation.

A large source of dangerous EM radiation comes in the form of microwaves emitted by cell phone towers. From personal experimentation, and hearing the experiences of others, I am convinced that microwave pollution and intentional targeting can muddle thoughts, induce fatigue, reduce willpower, and maybe even subliminally implant thoughts or entrain emotional states. They may also be used for monitoring purposes.

Using a microwave signal strength meter, I have made several objective observations about these signals:

They tend to be beamed through the window of a room where one spends the most time, usually the window facing the front street.
They are specifically directed to target and track a person inside his home.
The tracking speed is slow, and when the target moves, the signal takes several seconds or minutes to search and find the target at his new location.
When the target enters an area in his home that the signal cannot reach, the signal goes on a wide search mode, thinking the target has left his home and is traveling about town.
When the primary window is blocked off, within days the signal finds another window or thin wall to penetrate.
One can feel the effects of this signal, which may induce a dull headache or pressure in the temples.
It appears cell phone towers are generating these signals by triangulating hotspots on selected tracked targets. This would require that computers perform the calculations necessary to alter the signal of each of three cell phone towers so as to triangulate a hotspot of signal at the target’s location. When the target moves, new calculations have to be made, which takes several seconds. Maybe something else generates the beams, like satellites.

These signals may consist of microwave carriers with ELF modulation, and perhaps with audio or text encoded messages. Some possibilities:

The microwaves resonate with DNA, can penetrate flesh and bone, pass through some walls and windows, and are already in use by cell phones.
These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking.
Besides the ELF waves that entrain brain states, the carrier may also convey audio messages. I have not verified what these messages are, but they could be something along the lines of “you are angry, you cannot think, you give up, you have no energy, etc.” These audio messages could be modulated into the microwave carrier via frequency modulation, while the ELF brain-entrainment signals could be amplitude modulated.
There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. These can induce anger, frustration, sadness, or essentially any human emotion into susceptible targets
Standing waves within buildings can cause phase cancellation, turning the EM energy into scalar waves instead. These may have additional psychological, biological, and even paranormal effects.
Who is responsible for all this? Probably shadow factions of the military/intelligence community. If they wish to keep the population docile and keep all dissenters from acting upon their dissenting thoughts, no means are unthinkable to accomplish those ends.

What Can Be Done
There are two things you can do. First, you can learn to better cope with these signals. The more you are in control of your own mind and emotions, and the more observant you are about your own behavior, the less influence these signals have upon your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Knowing is half the battle. Second, you can take additional steps to reduce the level of EM radiation in your home, by blocking these signals.

Standard methods of blocking microwave mind programming signals consist of Faraday cages, but proper Faraday cages made from copper mesh are difficult and expensive to build. Meanwhile, aluminum foil hats actually increase signal exposure by acting as antennas and resonant cavities unless they are grounded, so you can forget about that.

An easy and relatively cost-effective way to block microwaves goes as follows:

1) Obtain these items:

Several emergency foil blankets (also known as space blankets, emergency camping blankets, or mylar foil blankets). These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Available on Amazon.
Banana plug to Alligator test leads. These cables will clip onto the foil sheets and plug into the ground hole on your electrical outlet. Available on Amazon.
Alligator leads, to connect one sheet to another. Available on Amazon.
Duct tape, packing tape, or masking tape to hang up the sheets.
RF / MW (radio frequency / microwave) signal detector, optional but highly recommended. Two that work well are the Cornet RF Meters on eBay and 3-Axis EMF Meter (orange ball) on eBay. Detectors are important. I call them anti-paranoia meters, because these will confirm that you’re not just being paranoid. Their frequency range must go up to 3 Ghz minimum, 6 Ghz ideal. Anything lower than that will not pick up on the higher frequency microwaves. Avoid the CellSensor detector and anything that’s a gauss meter, since these are only good for low frequency fields under 1000 Hz like from transformers, power lines, and household appliances, not cell tower radiation which is typically in the 900 Mhz to 4 Ghz (4,000 MHz) range.
If you cannot obtain a signal detector, take your best guess at which windows or walls to cover. An ideal choice would be the corner or wall closest to your bed. Any protection is better than no protection. But without a device to measure what’s really there, your subjectivity may get the better of you.

Tom #fundie #magick montalk.net

Spiritless Humans

Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside. While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.

Over the years I have received emails from readers who came to this same conclusion. They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.


It seems not all humans have spirit. Therefore they have no self-awareness, individuality, wisdom, empathy, creative intelligence, or conscience. What further confirms this hypothesis is that, as will be discussed below, one may observe a total absence of destiny, synchronicity, symbolic dreams, spiritual lessons, soul growth, and karma in their lives. This is to be expected if they have nothing permanent in them that survives death and reincarnates, because only spirit can gain from such things. Without spirit, they are temporary beings whose awareness forms shortly before birth and dissolves shortly after death. And if so, then for them, spiritual life lessons serve no purpose, karma from past lives does not exist, there is no higher Self acting as chaperone, nor would they have genuine interest in anything that serves a purpose beyond their current mortal existence. Therefore it is to be expected that they be particularly materialistic, worldly, and mundane in their ambitions; observation confirms this as well.