Tony #fundie

I agree with all in your latest article save your remark that women are equal to men as human beings. That I see as true only if you add "before God," meaning in His judgment of human motives and actions.


At the establishment of the U.S. all were to be equal only before the law - and there is legitimate question as to whether or not that concept was even intended to include women. It did not include slaves. For certain, there is no such equality today as women are practically exempt from law in the northern Western Hemisphere. []

For Christians, Adam was given Eve as a help to him, not as an independent person to do as she would on her own...As soon as she deserted that role to make her own decision she was easily seduced by the devil and thus doomed mankind to misery on earth.

Whether that story is literal or figurative, it should be obvious, at least to Christians, that women were meant to be under the dominion of their men...Men were expected to be considerate of their wives, with good treatment of them. The implication being that men have a choice. Women, on the other hand, were to love and obey their husbands. These are not demands upon equals.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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