FastBananaCEO #crackpot #sexist

Serious Why do they try and stop the impact of school shootings and completely ignore trying to prevent the actual cause?

Ideas like letting teachers have guns, designing the school in a certain way so that it's safer from if someone were to go er and stuff like that.

Why is there zero focus on actually trying to stop the cause of school shootings? Which in 99% of cases happen because the person was treated like shit or ostrasized for being ugly. Nearly all school shooters, if not all, are ugly.

What is being done to prevent ugly males from being oppressed? Why is no one raising awareness for the treatment ugly people having been getting since the dawn of time?

(((News))) "articles" say the blackpill 'ideology' is dangerous but actually not being blackpilled is way more dangerous.

People need to be concious of their actions when it comes to treating people because normies don't even think about kicking down ugly males they just do it because that's how the human brain is wired. Just like with everything else they need to be told and become aware that what they are doing is genuinely bad otherwise it will carry on.

There needs to be serious consequences of bullying because it will save the victim's life and the lives of others. There are already serious consequences for when you treat someone badly based on their race or physical disability but what about physical appearance?

No one gives a shit about ugly males. Everyone wants them to suffer and commit suicide even at the cost of the ugly male taking other people out with them. Everyone encourages and enjoys the suffering of ugly males. Teachers as well as students.




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