@OHMichael #racist #wingnut gettr.com

American? No. First & foremost, Michael Rappaport is a JEW.
ALL of this perverted degeneracy is being pushed, supported, produced, defended & profited from, by JEWS.

The Uni-Party, federal government leviathan, media, Federal Reserve, EU, WEF are ALL controlled by JEWS. 2% of the US population is JEWISH, yet JEWS make up 80% of the Biden regime cabinet. Why is that? šŸ¤” Why do JEWS occupy so many positions of power in White majority nations, despite being a tiny ethnic minority? šŸ¤”

Folks, if you think this is shocking or purely 'conspiracy theory', you're not familiar w/ the centuries-long pattern of insidious behavior of the JEWS.

Whenever you look more closely at ANY controversial issue, behind everything rotten, depraved, corrupt or immoral, you'll find the JEW.

Don't take my word for it, try it yourself. Pick any issue that's in the šŸ“°. Follow the trail of who proposes it, supports it, or funds it. Chances are, when you reach the bottom of the rabbit hole, there will be some Jewish influence to be found. Noticing the insidious behavior of the JEWS & calling them out for it is NOT 'antisemitism'. It is called 'pattern recognition'.
#jews #jewslie #jewscheat #jewssteal #jewishsupremacy #Talmud #namethejew #blamethejew #expelthejew #deportation #HandsomeTruth #based #GoyimDefenseLeague #COVID #TheGDLControlsTheMedia #TribeAndTrain #RaceFirst #HitlerWasRight #WhitePower #WhiteUnity #UniteTheWhites #GreatReplacement #border #immigration #WhiteGenocide #Biden #Trump #MAGA #USA #ADL #ACLU #SPLC #MSM #Israel #Hamas #Palestine #Gay



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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