Kai Clay #magick #ufo #mammon amazon.com
Stepping Aside is a revolutionary, potentially life-changing psychic abilities and manifestation book, based on National Scholastic Art Award winner, Fortune 500 business executive and trance channeling guru Kai Clay’s powerful worldwide spiritual growth coaching sessions that teach celebrities, business leaders… even Buddhist monks advanced metaphysical techniques and attunement exercises, as well everyday methods for manifesting happiness, success and tranquility.
In this compelling spiritual awakening and channeling book, you will learn:
How to use your own spiritual power and mental attunement to live a life with less anxiety and fear and more love and abundance
How to overcome self-doubt and procrastination and make decisions that will improve your life and give you what you want, rather than what others may have decided for you.
How to use Bahlon’s understanding of light language - a high-vibration direct solid-state connection with the Universal Source that speaks to the soul, DNA, and body consciousness – to release blocked energy, activate your DNA to release dormant gifts and knowledge, and bring you closer to your Higher Self
How to find your true spirit guide and allow them to lead you to your own Kundalini Awakening to find your ultimate spiritual potential
Stepping Aside is a remarkable true story of Clay’s life story of transcendence from successful New York business exec to world-renowned trance channel and trusted confidant of spiritual leaders. Read his inspiring journey towards spiritual intelligence, helping thousands of students succeed beyond their dreams, with every facet of their lives. Stepping Aside is a transformational book that is perfect for open-minded souls who are ready to experience the wonders of life for themselves.