[Comment on CNN article about the Pat Robertson "deal with the devil" comment]
I've just watched a few videos on Voodoo at YouTube. Now I know that Robertson is absolutely right. This cult is absolutely demonic and barbaric. We all should thank the living God that he intervened in Haiti and destroyed many of those cult places together with the priests.
So, you're almighty gawd is so incompetent that he can't take out a few priests without the collateral damage of killing children, babies, pregnant women whose deaths also abort fetuses and thousands of innocent people?
Or is he just a fucking dick?
Oh, sure, it makes perfect sense that God wanted to destroy the place because of Voodoo, but waited until the country is over 80% Christian to destroy it, rather than doing it back when it was full of many thousands of the freshly imported African slaves who brought those beliefs with them--not to mention leaving Africa, the country of Voodoo's origin, out of the plan. Good thinking, Tom.
So, you're almighty gawd is so incompetent that he can't take out a few priests without the collateral damage of killing children, babies, pregnant women whose deaths also abort fetuses and thousands of innocent people?
Or is he just a fucking dick? </blockquote>
God loves collateral damage. After all, no one is innocent in his eyes. And besides, it's their own fault for tolerating sinners in their community.
(See also: the U.S. military bombing 'terrorists' in Afghanistan)
Today via ham radio I learned at least 8,000 teachers were killed.
May your death span decades of agony.
Again, over 90% Catholic.
Also, which videos? Are we talking unbiased, factual videos or ones that paint the religion as evil?
Yes, let's thank your "living" god, and that douchebag Robertson who makes his mouth move up and down. After that, let's hope your next-door neighbor is into Voodoo and your house falls in on you .
We should all thank the living God that he[sic] intervened in Haiti and destroyed many of those cult places together with the priests, the doctors, the teachers, the janitors, the shopkeepers, the librarians, the carpenters, the taxi-drivers, the schoolchildren, the invalids, the babies, the dogs, ....
And the children, and the mIssionaries, and the rescue workers?
The god you worship is an incarnation of evil if he/she/it approves of the massacre of innocents. Does not this make you something of a Satanist?
I love the way these pious retards can focus on the blood and sacrifices of some animistic religions and totally forget that they were once part of their little cult too.
Even if it were true for one second that the Haitians made a pact with the devil to free themselves from their imperialistic oppressors, it was over 200 years ago and only a complete dick of a god would blame the children for the crimes of their parents.
Oh, wait... He is that kind of a dick.
"I've just watched a few videos on fundamentaist Baptists at YouTube. Now I know that this cult is absolutely demonic and barbaric. We all should thank the living God that he intervened in New Orleans and destroyed many of those Baptist churches together with the homes of their pastors."
Same stupid reasoning.
Only in that line of thought, God appears to have better aim.
When you say living God, am I right in assuming it's the invisible one that no-one ever sees, the very same one that you've never seen? The one that thinks you are a very special and deserving person and is going to reward you for sucking up to Him? The very same God that has exactly the same desires as you, inasmuch as you'd love people to be sucking up to you, but they won't? Are we talking the expert on genocide but only when people live in a natural disaster zone, that one? The one that has lived forever, well at least 6000 years anyway? Is this the same God that also has a personal interest in Pat Robertson?
If it is the God I'm thinking of, you've got to question His poor taste. I mean who would want to spend an eternity with that mental old twit Robertson wittering away in the background. Or, perhaps just as bad, an eternity in the company of you. So as well a being a sadist, God is also a masochist.
You're an awful, evil, person, Tom. I would be delighted if you were killed by flesh-eating insects.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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