NotEnoughPages , n3847 & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

( NotEnoughPages )
Why are TIMs so jealous of the violence we've suffered? Why must they constantly romanticize our suffering as "cis privilege" and, simultaneously, dismiss our lived reality? Why the need to disabuse us of our trauma in lieu of their own alleged oppression?

( n3847 )
These people are deranged. What does being raped as a teen have to do with "transphobia"? I just find it ironic that the community of "empathy" and "acceptance" has no compassion for a rape victim in their own community. They'll cynically use trans rape victims and suicides but will shit all over those same people when that person can't give them unadulterated worship and validation. Her story wasn't about them but they took offense to it because it wasn't about THEIR pain and oppression. Everything has to be about them. I have no doubt that is was mostly Tran-Identified Males that took offense. She would probably get alot more compassion here than she would in the trans community. I feel sorry for her because her "transition" was probably a means of escaping that trauma and she didn't need them. They're self-centered vultures who only care about themselves.

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s a male supremacist movement, there was never going to be any sympathy for women and girls, whether they claim to be men or not. It’s their place to be the sexual property of transvestite men.

( n3847 )
I don't really think they're that deep in terms of thinking. They're just raging narcissists and fetishists with the male tendency of expecting obedience from others. I think you're giving them way too much credit, lol.

( hmimperialtortie )
Individually they may not be, but the movement is MRAs in drag. It’s deliberate. Its point is to destroy women’s rights.



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