As Christians you and I are placed in this world to be a light in a world of darkness. There is no lasting benefit to ignore a holiday that exists around us, but it also does harm to celebrate Halloween as it has originated and grown over the centuries.
My suggestion? Christians should be teaching their children (age appropriately) that:
*there is a spiritual world filled with goodness from God and evil from Satan (Eph. 2:1-10);
*life with Christ has power over darkness (I John 4:4); and
*those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power.
Halloween, as it is known today is a Christian holiday with pagan roots. Same as Christmas and Easter. You boycott one, you gotta boycott them all.
In fact, the only holidays that belong to you guys are St Valentine's and St Patrick's. In other words, the 'crap' holidays.
Goodness from a God that accepts 32 Medean girls as a burning sacrifice, incest of Lot, a drunkard shipwright, slavery, human torture and stoning.
We atheists will never allow you to isolate your kids from this truth!
That last bullet point actually really upset me. Just the idea that children are being taught how their neighbors and other little kids are stupid and evil because they put on costumes and eat candy on the last day of October gets to me. I saw my cousins successfully shake that idea off, but they're very bright and curious boys, and their parents didn't entirely give up their good sense for Jesus. That can't be said of everyone who'll read this.
"*those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power."
And those who don't know anything about Halloween, yet insist on pontificating about it, can be mercilessly mocked.
The same fundies will be saying the same crap in two months about Christmas. Eric thinks Christians should teach their children:
Don't have fun and enjoy yourself- ever.
Don't have fun and enjoy yourself- ever.
Those who do have fun and enjoy themselves are satanists and gay sodomites. Being a good bigot, you should burn the other children at the stake. They aren't just dressed as witches.
Yes, yes. Mhm...because we all know the ancient pagan Celts used to dress up as TV characters and go from hut to hut to ask for candy. Then, after the kiddies went to bed, they'd all go to the town square and sacrifice young virgins on alters set on fire, dance around naked, and chant "Death to the christians!" Then they'd go to bed, and when they woke up the next morning, they'd all get together and vote for a black Democrat. THIS is the real reason why fundies are so afraid of Halloween.
1.) Like telling you to sacrifice your son, then sending an angel to give you the divine "PSYCHE!" Or drowning the world because of a trait you INSTALLED in your creation.
2.) Which is why some of his most fanatical followers spout crap that would make the most die hard death cult suggest some prozac.
3.) could be an excuse to dress up and go get some free candy. And for the record, you might wanna look a little deeper into the origins of Christmas and Easter, too.
Well, I am not native american so anyone if, I am wrong correct me.
Isn't the point of the halloween to give thanks to those who have died? Is that bad now?
1) i thought that Satan can't do a thing without my consent. Silly me.
2) so do torches, electricity( lightbulbs, neons...) and many other things.
3)care to explain how did thee come to that conclusion? I thought thee others just want to exchange pieces of candy and some good old fun, usually under masks.
"As Christians you and I are placed in this world to be a light in a world of darkness."
Why did your god create a world of darkness? Does this (i.e., the creation of such a world) sound like the act of a benevolent deity?
"*those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power."
In the battle between Good and Evil, Evil has more fun.
@ The L
I thank thee for enlightening me in this matter, I am not well versed in this matter, since in scandinavia at least in Finland we do not have that many festives, specially those that are related to Festival of the Dead or akin to it.
*those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power.
or they just want to have a good time and collect candy!
darkness too, is beautiful. You can't see but the other senses are quickened.
People were afraid of the dark because of the unknown, unseen; a time of night noises and things to catch you.
In the 21C the absence of light is a luxury, and the dark holds no unseen terrors.
And the only light these idiots would give is if they were burnt at the stake... (sorry!)
Halloween, or all Hallows' (Saints) eve is the day before the Xian festival of all the saints. I believe "all souls' day is 2 Nov, the festival for all the dead.
All Hallows falls conveniently around the equinox, a time of pagan ritual
"As Christians you and I are placed in this world to be a light in a world of darkness."
Wait, will we be LARPing with angsty goths today?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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