[Chick-Fil-A sponsors an LGBT film festival]
#DoNotCompromise #NoFear #ExposingDarkness #JesusIsComingBackSoon! #ObedienceIsBetterThanSacrifice
What happened to the good old Christian core values of selflessness and martyrdom?
The Bible is composed of many books in many genres by many authors written across many centuries edited many times, and is as consistent as one would suspect such a collection to be. Anyone who wishes to use the Bible must ignore or discard contradictory parts. You are not True Christians. You are just those who select those passages that support your bigotry.
Note the article says, "Chick-fil-A is one of the sponsors for Level Ground, a faith-based LGBT film festival. According to their website, Level Ground creates a space for dialogue about faith, gender and sexuality through the arts."
I'm guessing these films are one step up from "Reefer Madness" and each one ends with the "afflicted" Christian characters prayin' away teh ghey.
Or maybe I'm just cynical...
I find it hard to believe that the ultra conservative and homophobic owners of Chick-Fil-A are now sponsoring an LGBT film festival. But nobody deserves more to have conservatives turn against him than the guy who supported Uganda's "kill the gays" law.
*edit* Ah, I see, it's a "faith-based" LGBT film festival, which means all the movies will probably talk about praying the gay away. Or, at the most progressive, how it's OK to be a gay Christian as long as you don't have gay sex.
Right, because only hipsters dislike giving money to companies with anti-gay policies, and they're the only ones who like pumpkin-spice (despite it being a common joke that it's a general "white girl" thing). Suuuure.
Grow the fuck up, troll.
The reason why they have to be so over the top with their "boycot" like the trolls of "boycott American women" is because, in theory, they can stop buying their products(if they ever bothered before)all they want. Problem is, if there aren't enough people doing it, the boycott is inefficient and goes nowhere. With that perspective, they at least want their opinión to be heard, although they do know that we already know their opinión(thank you very much) and that things are not going to change much
"Apparently it's a local franchise of Chick Fil A"
Could be a business experiment, Marketing reach. does anyone know what local?
Coming soon: Big Gay Chicken?
Here where I got the information that it was a local Chick Fil A
"Update 10/30 4:10 p.m.: Reached for comment by Eater, a rep for Chick-fil-A clarifies that this is not a corporate sponsorship but rather the act of a franchisee, saying, "The operators make decisions on local sponsorships."
And yes it is a faith based LGBT film fest but is it's goal to strengthen the bonds between religion and LGBT (Ala moderate Christians) or ro demonize LGBT (Ala fundamentalist Christians), who knows.
Well, if it's good enough for former SAS reservist Bear Grylls - and he's a Christian - therefore...!
Enjoy drinking your own urine instead of all that ebil ghey-infected Pepsi (and Pepsico are pro-LGBT), Fester Olivarse. Again, if it's good enough for the likes of Bear Grylls, and Sarah Miles, therefore II...!
Also, the Gay Christian Network . Enjoy your paradox, fundies; if it's good enough for your God - Romans 13:1-5 and that 26th June SCOTUS decision & all that jazz - then Bon Appetit as you proceed to eat yourselves , therefore III...!, and you've struck out.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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