Various Commenters #sexist

Is the divorce rate declining because men are more likely to tolerate being treated like shit

Were the boomers the last men who tried to stand up to their Karen wives, and were rewarded with alimony and sex tourism in SEA.

Whilst younger men have been brainwashed that dominant rude aggresive women are strong and empowered and so tolerate stuff in a relationship that other men never would have.

I cannot read FDS which is the average woman in 2020s and then somehow believe that the relationshit market is improving, it makes no sense that things are getting "better" when women seem to behaving worse by the year.

Yes all boomers have enslaved bitched wives, some of them are so traumatized that can't even speak anymore. the boomers beat foids alot. Because foids are an antistress. I do admire them for the highIQ highly cooperative behavior of beating foids to near death.

(Bangkok or bust)
Foids are just one click away from chads. All nonfat women today are "chadstruck" (from their promiscuous teens and 20's) and resent any average looking man they may settle with. Marriage is a funeral with wedding cake.

Some will accept a anything just not to be divorce-rapéd like Brendan Frazer.

It's declining because less and less people get married and at a later age. Women are always whores but older whores are a bit less likely to cheat than younger prime stacies.



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