Frankly, I am tired of their lies, their threats, their propagandizing, them falsely depicting themselves as victims when it is they who are predators (mostly against little boys, but we have seem them violently attack senior citizens, church ladies and Christians... physically).
You are probably a better Christian than I.
For me, I am just sick and tired of their deviancy and diseases.
Frankly, I am tired of their lies, their threats, their propagandizing, them falsely depicting themselves as victims when it is they who are predators (mostly against little boys, but we have seem them violently attack senior citizens, church ladies and Christians... physically).
DARVO and lies. Once again, the vast majority of pedophiles are straight in their adult relationships (when they have them).
If fundies couldn't lie, they'd be silent all day long.
we have seem them violently attack senior citizens, church ladies and Christians... physically).
Citation needed. I'm betting this is something which is just passed around among Christians as a fact when nobody's ever seen it happen.
"Frankly, I am tired of their lies, their threats, their propagandizing, them falsely depicting themselves as victims when it is they who are predators (mostly against little boys..."
What, Catholics?
Please show links to news items reporting physically violent attacks by gays upon seniors, church ladies and Christians. I assumed that the church ladies were Christians and that a lot of those seniors were also, but then collecting and reporting "facts" doesn't seem to be one of your talents.
@keep pretending etc.
Keep pretending that fringe minorities & fictional accounts are accurate representative of entire populations of people.
Let's see... who's pretending furries don't exist? And who are they hurting, exactly? How do they even related to this post? (Note that an awful lot of furries are straight, and many are female.)
As for bug chasers, they're a disturbing handful of psychopaths that are actively ostracized. Once a bug-chaser is outed in the gay community, nobody will have anything to do with him. Not to mention the fact that straight ones exist, too.
Incest shippers have nothing to do with the OP, or with homosexuality. Furthermore, erotic fiction does not hurt actual people, no matter how distasteful.
"Die cis scum" also has little to do with homosexuals, and is generally attributed to a very tiny percentage of trans* people who are definitely not representative of all trans types, and are generally seen by the trans community in the same way the WBC is seen by reasonable Christians.
Grow up & give up the trolling. You're just making yourself look desperate & ignorant.
You guys haven't been to a protest, have you? Because every time you say something never happens, it has.
Why don't you show us on the doll where the bad furry touched you.
" I am tired of their lies"
About a magical sky-daddy who always agrees with them.
"their threats"
Of eternal torture for not toeing the party, I mean religious line.
"their propagandizing"
Which they call "prayer" and "witnesses" as they fill the air with their worthless noise.
"them falsely depicting themselves as victims when it is they who are predators"
As they seek to overtake the government with people who deny the humanity of people a piece of fiction designates as "evil" while they play innocent, claiming they are doing good.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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