soulartemis #sexist

[RageFuel] Dumb idiot foids with sociology degrees use sex to get jobs and call STEM majors useless creepy virgins

Found a sociology forum with a massive number of foids who chose to major in sociology and have postgraduate degrees in sociology.
They always whine about not being able to find a job.

They use their more intelligent husbands to find job connections and get hired.

They call STEM majors "aspie creepy virgins," completely oblivious to the fact that as sociology majors, they're all dumb as fuck compared to STEM majors.

They call CS majors and app developers "useless," extremely hypocritical coming from them when they make a living writing papers about Plato and human sexuality.

They even talk about sucking the dick of their professors and bosses to get grants and promotions JFL WTF

If this isn't a career blackpill into the extremely tutorial mode lives of foids, I don't know what is.

”What is new here? All social ((((science)))) whores' main job is to scam money and grades by sucking dicks. Also same goes with most liberal arts departments. They are the most degenerates in any university campus. They spend 80% of their time on partying and rimming chads' buttholes in frat houses.

As a side note, a cockroach in the shitroom of a STEM department building can IQmog an entire faculty of liberal arts.”

True. Just imagine studying for a useless degree and accumulating debt that will never get payed off and still having the courage to call yourself smart in the end. Just fucking lol @ those cunts. They can walk, but decide to put themselves in wheelchairs and then they complain why they can't go up the stairs. They fail at Tutorial Mode.

Perfect analogy, then they complain about how they can't get a job and how they have all this debt, fucking stupid
then they have the nerve to call app developers useless when they're the ones writing papers about human sexuality and calling that a career.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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