[Regarding Pat Robertson's praise of Obama.]
Pat has been around a LONG time. And altho I don't agree with him, he has done some good for the kingdom. Jesus told us that we will be able to judge them by their fruits... and at one time, Pat's fruit was good (years ago), but as he has gotten older, his fruit is beginning to spoil somewhat. Pastors like Pat Robertson and Rick Warren will answer to the Lord one day for preaching a compromising gospel.
"...and at one time, Pat's fruit was good (years ago), but as he has gotten older, his fruit is beginning to spoil somewhat."
Don't worry, it happens to us all when we get older. You can always take Viagra for it though.
Gods, now I feel like I need a shower.. I apologize for the uncouth joke.
This is great! Some of the most fundamentalist christian preachers are being ostracized by the general fundamentalist christian public. They're condemning each other. This is fucking hilarious. I hope they start fighting all-out against each other, and I'm not talking about words, brawling, fist-fighting, beating the hell out of each other fighting. Maybe then they'll leave all the peaceful, rational, and loving people alone.
I believe it is also said "Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself".
@ Geno: I thought the exact same thing. I just figured it would be too much like the jokes we told in fifth grade.
This cracks me up. I am waiting for the day when they denounce Jesus as being a liberal.
Fdragon, that was Oral Roberts. Back in 1987. He said that if he didn't get a certain amount of money (10mil I believe), God would "call him home".
Every time I see Rapture Ready posts I can't help thinking of the Doris Day song High Hopes.
He's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high, Jesus's eye, in the sky hopes.
So anytime you're feeling low
Let you laughter flow
Just remember this song
Whoosh! There goes another Rapture Tard now.
Pastors like Pat Robertson and Rick Warren will answer to the Lord one day for preaching a compromising gospel.
People like Robertson were already compromising Christianity by endorsing George W. Bush.
Pule Thamex
Every time I see Rapture Ready posts I can't help thinking of the Doris Day song High Hopes.
Wasn't that Frank Sinatra? In a film where he had a young son who told him he had a 'hole in the head'.
Memory? yeah, I used to have one of those...
Of all the crazy shit (false prophet) Robertson's said over the years, his praising of an intelligent man is where you start to doubt his thinking?
You're really, really stupid.
Compromising gospel? Yeah, we can't have one of those librul "love thine enemy" kinds of teachings, can we?
That namby-pamby weakling stuff of "treat others as you want to be treated" commie drivel. Heathens! [/sarcasm]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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