Having known some of the British servicemen who had the misfortune to be prisoners of the Japanese, my only regret about the dropping of nuclear weapons on Japan is that we didn't drop anything like enough of them.
Killing all of them, regardless of guilt or complicity, was not enough to punish those (who were not killed or punished in any way by the bombings) who actually committed those dreadful atrocities. Because all members of a race should pay for the faults of any emeber- exept those actually responsible.
By the same 'reason', Iraqis have the right to nuke the United States becuase some US soldiers and the leaders of the country allowed torture on them. Obviously it would be less than a nuke, because the crime is lesser, but still...
"We now see what might have come to the British race had German scientists won the race. It is fortunate that the use of the bomb should have been upon the Japanese rather than upon the white races of Europe." -- Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, his Diaries, August 6, 1945
King was a racist tard here, and so are you.
Having known someone who was in a Japanese POW camp during the war, I'm inclined to agree with BSOD on this one.
The Japanese during the war were probably more barbaric on the whole than the Nazis were.
The Japanese military did some horrific things. They aren't even completely willing to admit to them yet, and have basically spat in the face of the 'comfort women' and the still living victims of their atrocities.
Hell, if you look at some of the things their culture has produced such as Code Geass you might get the impression there's an element that either completely denies it or believes they were justified, and you'd be right.
But we have that same issue too. We have people who say slavery was a good thing, who wish we had killed off all the Native Americans, etc. etc. We do not advocate killing all of ourselves to get the guilty and malicious parties. You bring justice to the guilty, not the guilty and the innocent indiscriminately no matter how much pain has been inflicted upon you or how much rage you feel.
Check up your history folks: The Japanese were desperately trying to surrender months before the bombs were dropped. The President himself refused a hand delivered offer of surrender from the Japanese government. We bombed them because of our government's ego, not because it was needed to make them surrender. Lots of info with full references in the wiki article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_surrender
Yeah, and because the Nazis were responsible for killing people in WWII, let's kill all the Germans?
Newsflash, not everyone in Germany supported what their government was doing, and neither did all the Japanese. You're arbitrarily saying we should blame the whole country, which would include people innocent of those crimes.
In every country, there are survivors of atrocities. Does that mean that every country now needs to bomb each other for past atrocities? Should Ireland bomb England? Should Mexico bomb Spain?
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
At the time, the U.S did'nt have enough weapons grade fissile material to make any more, than the 3 that were detonated during World War II...
Incedentally, one of the reasons the bombs were dropped in the first place, was the fear within the U.S, that the Soviet Union would invade Hokkaido, in late 1945, before the U.S commenced the invasion of Kyushu in early 1946 (Operation Coronet/Olympic)..
FUCK YOU. I love Japanese games, and let's not even get into what they have done for the video game industry (I absolutely loved playing Sonic and Mario also is pretty good, not to mention Pokemon and .....the list could take a while). Screw you for wanting the guys who gave us awesome Anima (not the mention Hentai) to die. Why on Earth would you want these guys to die?
Okay, enough avoiding the issue. The Japanese did (most likely) horrible things to those that were captured. However, the British also did horrible things to the Japanese (though some say it wasn't as bad). But, it was a fucking war. Shit happened. They lost however many people to those bombs and more than paid a price for what they did (Though whether they deserved it or not can be debatable).
SHit happend. If they did do horrible things, they more than got payback. They don't deserve more shit.
And I'm completely ignoring you strange idea that civilians should pay for what the government did.
Your comment wasn't very well thought out.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
This quote should get a hell of a lot more airtime
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mohandas Gandhi
I wish people would remember it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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