sojourner_truth_ #transphobia

RE: Trans rights are the ultimate 'First World Problem'

You're right, and I'd add that forcing working class people to trans pander and do your pronoun prayers on top of the real problems they have is abusive. The mental load of living paycheck to paycheck takes a toll. Then comes the narcissistic pervert TIM or the special snowflake enby who gets to flex on this person and make stupid demands, and pitch a screaming fit if they get their pronouns wrong, or if the mentally fragile TIP even thinks they don't fully believe the larp. It's disgusting to me. So classist on top of every other vile characteristic wrong with Gender Identity Extremism.

I'm an expat, which is a more priviliged version of an immigrant. When I botch things speaking the local language, people are very kind and forgiving, and are just happy I'm trying. What about the immigrants who aren't as privileged, who might struggle with normal pronouns in English? Chinese people and Finns for example just literally cannot reliably get pronouns correct, it's too much mental calculus for them because they have only a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun in their native languages. Now add this insanity on top of it, with the threat of having a TIP go psycho and try to get you fired or arrested for getting it wrong. That's nowhere near fair. All to indulge someone's delusions or kinks, you'll put working class people and foreigners through hell on Earth?

God, I hate everything about this bullshit.



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