Eivind Berge #psycho eivindberge.blogspot.com

I think the reason why I find the 1977 petition against age of consent underwhelming is because they didn’t really have all that much sex hysteria to work with. All they had was the irrational law, some special discrimination against homosexuals, and the most egregious example of some men imprisoned for three years until trial and then getting a suspended sentence. That must have been shocking at the time for an age of consent violation, but today it is nothing.

They had nothing to say about the CSA hoax with supposed PTSD and no end to psychological problems from underage sex, because that superstition had not been invented yet.

So, it is immensely easier to criticize sex hysteria in 2025 than in 1977. No kidding, we should have a new and improved petition like that today! The only problem is I would be the only name on it. And I’m a nobody, and a bunch of Anonymouses are nobodies too, so it goes nowhere. Maybe Tom O’Carroll would sign too. Other intellectuals are cowards, despite all the more reason to have an uprising now.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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