
Eivind Berge #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt eivindberge.blogspot.com

There comes a point in the persecution of sexuality when pedophiles are the only sane people left in the world. That time is now. Everyone else has either lost their mind or pretends to go along with the antisex insanity with their public persona so they can have a “respectable” role. I bet you don’t even dare to call out the female sex offender charade with your real name. I don’t play that game. I am not afraid to associate with pedophiles when everyone else has gone insane. I am afraid not to because else you literally have no friends and everything is fake and based on lying to people who would kill you for your real self just to keep up the appearance of normiehood even though they themselves are most likely lying too.

MenAreCowards #psycho #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Sadly, the fact is that females are evil, and men are cowards as well as only being slightly less evil. Female and male are supposed to compliment each other, above all through the spiritual union of an adult man fucking a teenage girl. Marriage once upon a time provided security for the past it hag as she managed the house and looked after the children.

To be honest, these laws or whatever shan't change anything: any man who fucks a female 18 or above is by definition a cuck who is eating three day on the counter left over meat all the same. The best is 11-15 anyway.

I curse that I was born into this world of anti-male hatred. Why was I brought here? To be scum because I have a healthy sexuality?

Eivind Berge #psycho eivindberge.blogspot.com

RIP Nathan Larson
This requires its own post, because it marks the passing of a male sexualist hero. Take a moment to remember and appreciate a balanced activist life as summarized and vindicated in a comment I just received from "Jeffrey." And by balance I mean Nathan found ways to live in addition to being an ideologue for our cause.

I've been informed that Nathan Larson died on Sunday September 18th, one day before his 42nd birthday. He'd been on a hunger strike for months and was being held in a prison hospital. I've not yet been able to confirm this news from official sources, but the person from whom it originates was a good friend of his and an administrator on his forum. This same person has just uploaded a 20-page handwritten manifesto by Nathan in which he explains why he chose to risk chose to risk so much to pursue a relationship with a young girl.

The manifesto begins with the following paragraph: "As the government seems to be putting forth a misleading narrative that I sought to sexually exploit a young girl using coercion or deception, I feel it is time to correct the record."

Here is the link to the complete manifesto: http://www.dropbox.com/s/difrft7zf04jj8u/Nathan%20Larson%27s%20Manifesto.pdf?dl=0

It's important to remember that Nathan was not quite the monster or psychopath that the media has made him out to be. Granted, he has posted fantasies on the internet that would make the Marquis de Sade smile, but those posts were not indicative of how he acted in real life. To quote his own words, "When people go over the top, there’s a grain of truth to what they say." (Source: https://archive.ph/UyO1F).

The girl that he "kidnapped" told one of her friends that she had fallen in love with him (source: http://archive.ph/AhMO2), and there is no evidence whatsoever that he used coercion or threats to convince her to leave her parental home with him.

Eivind Berge #crackpot #dunning-kruger eivindberge.blogspot.com

Politically I am a sex-positive men's rights activist, now called a male sexualist to set us apart as the true MRAs. Male sexualism is just what it sounds like, an ideology aligned with male sexuality while respecting the human rights of all. In addition to advocating for sex law reform, we also have a self-help aspect which most fruitfully consists of shunning porn and masturbation (aka nofap) in order to realize our fullest sexual potential. Since we recognize that political progress against feminism is unlikely any time soon, the practical essence of male sexualism is how men can attain love and understanding in the face of oppression of our true natures; what we believe to be the best possible approach to the meaning of life under the circumstances. We may be criminalized, but we shall not allow ourselves to be shamed. If you are a normal man, your nature is denied not just by law but pretty much any other philosophy, so there is much to gain by joining us. And not just men, but women who value sexual freedom over "abuse" hysteria should also support our movement.

Eivind Berge #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Most men, myself included, prefer fully developed girls (as young as possible), but that doesn't make sex with a 12-year-old "rape" or "abuse" and the desire for them isn't any more depraved than lusting after 40-year-old women, for example. It is slightly deviant to be a hebephile, if that means a clear preference for pubescent girls over fully developed ones, but you need better arguments than that to criminalize it. I think most men are at least somewhat attracted to pubescent girls, and there is no reason to demonize this desire or pretend these girls are damaged by sex. I myself find 12-year-old girls about as attractive as women at the end of their reproductive lives (around 40). Not optimal, but so what? Less than peak attractiveness means just that; it doesn't mean some horrible crime. The oldest mothers also have worse health outcomes from their pregnancies; does that make sex rape?

There are good reasons to prefer females slightly older than the age of menarche as an optimal strategy, but that doesn't make attraction to subfecund females pathological. Kate Clancy makes some valid points, but then she ignores some elephants in the room -- all the reproductive opportunities which actually result from hebephilic desires -- and implies more than is warranted by the evidence.

Whenever there is a reproductive opportunity, it would be very strange if men weren't evolved to want to take advantage of it, and pubescent girls do represent such an opportunity. Men are sexual opportunists, obviously, sperm being cheap -- they don't tend to bet their reproductive success on one partner age or one partner and ignore the rest.

But let's be clear about what we are talking about here, since it is kind of off-topic: "Let’s first be clear on definitions: hebephilia is the sexual preference for pubescent children. Not teenagers, but pubescent children. In industrial and post-industrial populations, that means a sexual preference for ten to twelve year olds."

I didn't really argue that the age of consent should be lower than 12, and Øygard was only accused of having sex with a 13-year-old. Hebephilia is not a big concern of mine, except to state that it doesn't deserve anywhere near the demonization it gets.

Eivind Berge #psycho eivindberge.blogspot.com

What they did to Epstein they did to me. What they did to Ghislaine Maxwell they did to me. Because I am a man, and these convicts represent normal male and female sexuality. All the credible accusations were empty. It is as normal for us to buy sex from teen girls as it is for the girls to sell it. The feminist state are monsters and all the normies who condone this senseless criminalization are monsters too.

If Epstein was a “pedophile” or “sexual abuser” then I would be insulted if you don’t have me pegged as one too, as should all normal men be. That word is a badge of honor the way the antisex bigots use it. Just imagine how perverted you’d have to be to not be attracted to the girls in question (or gay, but they aren’t naturally agecucks either), the youngest of which was 14. In truth, what Epstein was accused of does not even qualify as “ephebophilia,” which ends by 14 years old for most girls. And I don’t think we need that word either because that is just normal male sexuality too, but it goes to show how far out of touch the bigots are with scientific and commonsense truth of what constitutes full sexual maturity (Exhibit1, Exhibit2).

What they did to Epstein they did to me, and all normal men. He is the patron saint of regular male sexuality, and Ghislaine Maxwell is another martyr for sexualism, another victim of the feminist War on Sex who deserves honors for fighting the good fight on a political level too by virtue of all the unmistakably regular men she implicated. There comes a point when you can’t peg us as deviants anymore because we are so obviously normal, and meanwhile we shall be proud of our sexuality no matter how much you try to shame us. Your stance on this verdict is a litmus test on whether you are a good person or a monster.

Jeffrey is my role model, my hero, and Ghislaine is a heroine. The normies secretly long to be in Epstein’s circle, but we male sexualists have the balls to admit it. To all the normies reading this, now is a good chance to repent your denunciation of sexuality and identify as a male sexualist, or simply sexualist because as we can see, feminism persecutes good women too.

Eivind Berge #crackpot #dunning-kruger eivindberge.blogspot.com

Feminism is horrifying. Absolutely horrifying because it translates into violence against us for our sexuality. And I am just about the only one who can feel the horror even when not imprisoned myself. Must it be thus? Perhaps it helps to study similar criminalization on pretexts that are no longer current beliefs. To realize the horrifying truth that there is no social upheaval even if they criminalize most of sexuality and no matter how draconian punishments get, look at leiermål. So why should it be any better now? It isn’t, and we can’t expect it. People simply put up with it. The authorities just need to base their laws on the superstitions of the times, and no one will rebel. Back then it was the wrath of God, now feminist notions of rape and abuse are used to accomplish the same prohibitions. People are no more enlightened, just in thrall to different superstitions. It doesn’t fly to punish the lack of a marriage certificate anymore, but to say that one person is “underage” works wonders. People believe this gibberish like they believed the old crap. And so on for an endless series of taboos to suit every occasion. All involved are adults but one is a teacher? Lock her up! He paid for sex? Lock him up! And of course every occasion is “rape” if the woman or prosecutors say so. All of sexuality is criminalized and I am the only one who is horrified, along with a handful of other male sexualists and our allies the MAPs.

Eivind Berge #psycho #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Antisex bigotry has consumed the world. There are no good places left. Still good sex-positive individuals here and there, but not whole societies.

When you realize the law is against you and the law is unjust, you become an ideological terrorist. When you realize the law reflects the public morality, you become a misanthrope. Except it doesn't quite because Norway had to abolish the jury in order to enforce the sex laws. The feminists would not have had to bother with that step if their sex laws had reflected the public morality. So there is still hope for humanity; just not for any of the current jurisdictions. Our only hope now is collapse of the kind Gail Tverberg is predicting. That is the only way I see the laws being brought back into line with the public morality -- and I say "laws" loosely as we might need to fall all the way back to hunter-gatherer level. Probably along with the death of 99% of humanity, but it's better than no hope at all.

Eivind Berge #psycho #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

When men have something women have less of, such as money or power, women simply take it by force. It's called affirmative action and feminists believe it's right. I am not going to argue against that. I accept that as a lost cause. So instead I am going to embrace forced equality and demand it for men as well.

What women have that men don't is of course sex. If anyone doubts that sex is a female resource, go here and request the PDF file Baumeister, R.F. & Vohs, K.D. (2004). Sexual Economics: Sex as Female Resource for Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 339-363.

In light of feminism, or if you believe in equality, this article makes such a compelling case for rape that Baumeister felt obliged to include the otiose disclaimer, "Our analysis should in no way be construed as excusing sexual coercion and we roundly condemn any such acts."

So let us give women equality if that's what they really want. Remember that due to the hypergamous nature of women, men get less sex as women get more money and power. Women are generally incapable of feeling attraction for men who are not better than they are, and soon men are no better than equal. So it is about time men in feminist countries such as Norway stop thinking of rape as wrong. I have previously argued this point e.g. here as Arpagus, and no one has been able to justify why affirmative action is right when it benefits women and hurts men but is wrong when it helps men and hurts women.

Eivind Berge #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Reasons why people believe in the female sex offender charade

Whatever their reasons, people do not believe that women can sexually abuse because it is true. As I have resoundingly pointed out, it is logically impossible, given the core beliefs and values that I hold, for women to sexually abuse boys. In this post I will examine possible reason for why people believe, or say they believe that women can be sexual abusers despite the obvious falsehood of this proposition.

- Virtue signaling. Now that it is established as politically correct to believe in female-perpetrated sexual abuse, that in itself will make a lot of people say it just because it increases their status. It is a classic case of the emperor's new clothes -- social status counts more than perceptions and one tends to say what powerful people want to hear.

- It follows from other strongly held beliefs. I am thinking of feminists who posit that the sexes are equal, which is how we got into this mess. Once it is axiomatic to you that there cannot be any sex differences, women must be able to do everything men can no matter how absurd, and so female sexual acts must be equivalent to male abuse despite no one ever feeling it. This is similar to how some physicists feel compelled to believe in the multiverse. Neither phenomenon can ever be observed, but one must believe in it for the sake of consistency.

- Projection. Women project their own sexual feelings (or lack of them) onto males, honestly not realizing how different we are. Notice that women are by far the most vociferous proponents of the female sex offender charade, as well as inventing it, and we often hear that "abuse" was accused only because a boy's mother egged him on. Men used to keep such lunacy in check, and it can thus be seen as a nasty side effect of giving women too much political power.

- Their paycheck depends on it. Is a policeman, prosecutor, judge, school administrator, therapist or journalist going to go with his instincts, which if expressed will get him instantly fired, or what brings home the bacon and furthers his career? The choice is dishonorable, but understandable. These figures will almost always follow the profits. The same goes for accusers and their families who stand to gain from suing the school etc., in which case greed is the proper name of the sin.

- Thoughtlessness and going with the flow. I know I am special because I have thought and read extensively about sexual abuse, and there are doubtless people who give it little thought. I am sure I hold irrational beliefs on some other subjects myself, perhaps some of them equally ridiculous as the assertion that women can sexually abuse boys. But I wouldn't know, because I don't examine these views critically, and there isn't enough time in anybody's life to think critically and research the facts about everything. This is probably the most excusable excuse, but it can't remain excusable for long if you are made to think about the topic.

- Socially acceptable misogyny. To label a woman as "sex offender" is to declare open season for any hate anyone wishes to heap on her, and this being the sole remaining politically correct way to hate women, naturally it will attract misogynists. This hate is so strong in some men that they will pathetically deny their own sexual nature as boys in favor of claiming abuse, and this applies to accusers as well as bystanders. Thus you have grown men spouting the lie that they didn't want to have sex with their female teachers in school, or that they were "abused" if they did. I am willing to accept that their hate is stronger than their sex drive, but they were most assuredly not abused, because that would require a consensus reality in which I could intuitively partake and not just a false and self-serving belief. This doesn't even have to be misogyny, but the same kind of misanthropic malice that causes a person to jump on the bandwagon and participate in any old witch-hunt or lynching. Vigilante pedophile hunters are cut from this cloth.

Insofar as people believe in the myth that women can be sexual abusers, how do they justify it to themselves?

- The aversive experience delusion. We all know that boys want sex, but somehow, for the purposes of expressing an opinion on female "abusers," this knowledge is blocked out and replaced with the message promulgated by the theatrics of feminist abuse hysteria. They may be laboring under the delusion that "children" are asexual, never mind their own memory to the contrary. And the "teacher or similar status = abusive power differential" myth is a powerful destroyer of common sense. All it takes is a mumbo-jumbo explanation like that and a lot of people's minds go blank and ready to be filled with whatever authority tells them. This is similar to how the "rape is about power rather than sex" canard got established. It sounds like a sophisticated thing to say, so having heard it all his life from intelligent-sounding people, the man in the street will parrot it even though it bears zero resemblance to how he feels his own sexuality works.

- The more pseudo-sophisticated explanations. Some true believers will admit that boys go through all the motions and feelings of wanting and enjoying sex, but then all this is somehow made irrelevant by a metaphysical layer that still makes it abuse. Or it is believed that some kind of "trauma" will surface later. Of course this is gibberish unless you go out of your way to brainwash boys into thinking they have been abused -- which is to say actually abusing them -- but it is an explanation for how these dimwitted minds work.

- Misguided equality or an MRA tactic. Some men understand that the female sex offender charade is completely or mostly nonsense, but they want to punish these women anyway just to be "equal" or get even or convince women that the hateful sex laws were a bad idea (which never happens). This belief is common among men who have partially opened their eyes to the abuses of feminism, including a lot of self-styled "MRAs," but of course they are no such thing.

- The irrelevant harm theory. This is also common among "MRAs," who will want to punish women not for sex itself, which they know is harmless, but consequences such as child support. They may have a point, but this should be dealt with by reforming child support laws rather than pretending that women can rape or sexually abuse boys. Apparently they lack the imagination to do anything but go along with the feminists on 99% of issues.

If you look at the comment section below any news article about supposed female sexual abusers, wherever comments are unmoderated, it is always teeming with men who express disbelief that it can be abuse or say they wish they had been so lucky themselves. So this is one issue where male sexualists are decidedly not alone. I would say we represent the true majority, but those who promote the female sex offender charade wield disproportionate power, enough to make it the law of the land for now. This is a horribly wrong situation that we need to change, gentlemen. As male sexualist activists we must never forget to stand up for women accused of sexual abuse as well, because we know this charade is every bit as absurd and odious as any historical witch-hunt and even more troubling than the hateful persecution we face ourselves.

Anonymous #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Adult women have nothing to offer about a girl under the age of 18, NO beauty, NO intelligence, NO better conversation, NO ability to bear children and have a family, NO even better, in fact the skin of their bodies literally just rots more and more every day. The peak of a female to offer all this is 14 to 16 years. So what a adult woman can have to offer a man?


Eivind Berge #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

I've been aiming to get Muslims on board with the Men's Movement, but som far I am failing. Despite its shortcomings, Islam has a much healthier sexual morality than feminist Christians. They are not so stuck-up about age of consent and haven't picked up the female sex offender charade. It's hard to imagine someone like Jennifer Fichter being persecuted in a Muslim country, and if she was, at least they wouldn't sink to the idiotic level of pretending she was "victimizing" the boys. It is much more honest to have a morality where certain acts are simply considered immoral because God says so, not because of some pseudoscientific victimology. Nothing pisses me off more than the creation of fake victims, and nothing is more absurd than pretending boys who get lucky with older women are victims. No Islamist has ever done anything as offensive as that crap yet, to my knowlede, so feminists and their enforcers remain the most execrable monsters on the face of the earth

theantifeminist #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

Most women support age of consent laws and most men in turn support age of consent laws because most women present the idea that, as adults, they 'know' that they would have regretted (or did regret) sex as a young girl. If women were going round saying that they would have loved to have sex with an older guy at 13,14 (as most men are honest enough to admit to about their boyhood regarding sex with older females) and that the age of consent should be lowered, do you really think men would have such hatred for male 'sex predators'? I have no idea what Jennifer Ficther thinks about sex between older men and teenage girls, but women in general have responsibility for spreading the lie that girls are harmed by such sexual relationships. (btw, women and 'feminists' are happy to persecute female 'paedophiles' because relatively few women are attracted to male teens, whereas nearly all men are attracted to female teens. In other words, the average woman does not find underage boys sexually tempting but she sure as does fear or feel jealousy at her boyfriend or husband lusting after an underage teen. Age of consent laws benefit women and harm men.

Eivind Berge #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

On the Fourth of July in 2012 I was arrested, jailed and charged with criminal incitement because of my no-nonsense approach to men's rights. I have stated bluntly that cops are our enemies and I hate their guts. I have said in no uncertain terms that I wish them the worst, making it clear that I morally support violent activism against cops, for revenge and more importantly with the aim of influencing legislators to reverse feminist sex law reforms. Make no mistake, the gender war is a civil war where it all comes down to sex laws such as the definition of rape, age of consent, child porn laws, sexual harassment laws, grooming laws, criminalization of the purchase of sex and so on, and law enforcement is our actual enemy in the real world.

Eivind Berge #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

The bizarre behavior exhibited by the manginas in the Men's Human Rights Movement (MHRM), found at A Voice for Men (AVfM), whereby they embrace the most absurd and hateful feminist ideals regarding sex, and even more bizarrely, apply these standards to women as well, is puzzling in the extreme. After thinking long and hard about what might possess these nincompoops to behave in such a deranged manner, and rereading the Unabomber Manifesto, I think I have figured it out. I thought for a long time that they must be some kinds of autistic freaks or something, but the explanation may be found in the far more pervasive concept of oversocialization. The buffoons at AVfM fancy themselves as rebels against feminism, but of course they are nothing of the sort. They are feminists of the more extreme kind. I hate feminists, but most of them have the decency to at least back off the most absurd manifestations of their odious worldview in practice -- for example if you were to apply their sex-hostility literally to women as well as men. The buffoons in the MHRM have no such barriers. They are loose cannons among radical feminist, who will cling desperately to feminist tenets no matter how absurd it gets in the real world.

Here is yet another example of their idiocy: Boys raped more often than girls.

Any person just a few short decades ago would laugh his ass off if you told him women can "rape" boys. An honest biologist would still laugh his ass off at such an imbecile notion, as would any halfway rational or commonsensical person. Biologists know perfectly well that because the sexual superiority of women is the prime fact of life for deep evolutionary reasons, women committing "rape" or "sexual abuse" is not a meaningful natural concept but a legal fiction you have to be oversocialized to take seriously. But the manginas in the MHRM do take it seriously, because they have been oversocialized into feminist ideology.

Thus the manginas at AVfM attempt to oversocialize their natural attraction to teenage girls away (whatever age of consent local feminist legislators decree, the manginas will unquestioningly accept and internalize in the most servile fashion), since their feminist ideology will not permit them to think any "unclean thoughts." This would merely be laughable if these clowns didn't take their bizarre oversocialization one step further and insist that underage boys who get lucky with women are actually victims. And of course they also support all the hateful feminist sex laws and abuse-industry nonsense applied to men and women alike, so they are frankly as pure evil as the scumbags in law enforcement who put feminism into practice, and must be exposed as such. There is simply no nice way to put it; they are feminist scum.

I suppose the Unabomber has correctly identified this as a leftist phenomenon. A leftist is above all else a conformist. The leftist does not think for himself; he merely absorbs the political correctness of his times, and if these ideals conflict with human nature, then human nature be damned. And in this day and age, the pinnacle of political correctness is the ideology of ubiquitous sexual "abuse" (or usually and increasingly just called "rape" regardless of the details). The more socialized you are, the more you see "rape" or "sexual abuse" everywhere, until "abuse" encapsulates all of human sexuality (and beyond -- as even an image of a baby breastfeeding can qualify). With sufficient oversocialization, it is even possible to insist on the existence of female sexual abusers with a straight face. This is the pathogenesis of the female sex-offender charade, which has caused me so much headache. Never mind that common sense, natural science and experience all tell us it is preposterous to hold women culpable for sex crimes. The oversocialized leftist mangina will insist on his internalized politically correct hogwash even if all his senses and reason as well as science contradict him. Thanks to the Unabomber for identifying the word for it. I know my ranting against the female sex-offender charade for the umpteenth time probably won't sway any of the manginas, but at least now we know what to call the phenomenon that rots their brains.

The Unabomber is brilliant in some ways, foolish in others. One way he was wrong was thinking he had to kill people in order to get his message out. With writing skills like his, there is no need for violence, at least not in the Internet age. Rather than wasting away in a supermax prison, he could have had a popular blog now if he had only waited for the rise of the Internet. It is also completely unnecessary to use violence to bring down industrial civilization, since peak oil will take care of that beautifully. Soon there will be no occasion for what the Unabomber derides as "surrogate activities," as any survivors of the imminent Malthusian catastrophe will have no choice but to struggle to stay alive by the sweat of our brows, rather than leisurely sit by as fossil fuel slaves do the work. My attitude now that I am aware of peak oil is that unless you are already incarcerated, then insurrection against the feminist establishment is largely superfluous.

As I have said before, the Men's Rights Movement has not grown. There are only 3 sex-positive MRA sites that I know of beside myself: The Anti-Feminist, Human Stupidity and Angry Harry. The rest is merely feminist oversocialization, although I suppose The Spearhead should get an honorable mention for lately at least somewhat acknowledging the insanity of feminist sex-hostility as codified in law, as well as the foolishness, if not the biological absurdity, of men trying to assume the role of victims of rape by women (Price has, however, written some embarrassingly naive articles on the female sex-offender charade in the past where he has parroted the feminist narrative in much the same way as AVfM). I have no hope that there will ever be an effective Men's Rights Movement, but we don't need it anyway, because with peak oil comes peak feminism. If the feminists and manginas want to do something enduring for their cause, they might get busy trying to figure out how to keep up mass incarceration in a low-energy world. Rather than dreaming up ways to identify more sex offenders, they ought to be seriously worried about how to even keep the sex offenders they got incarcerated long enough to serve out their sentences. John Michael Greer has got a post up about seven sustainable technologies that may be practiced in our low-energy future, and the industrial prison system is not among them. I don't see how anything like the feminist sex abuse industry can possibly exist without the abundant energy flows provided by fossil fuels. Look back to the prison population in the era before fossil fuels, and you get an idea of how many people a low-energy society is capable of imprisoning. It is no accident that mass incarceration was unheard of before the Industrial Revolution, and for most of history, incarceration wasn't even recognized as a standard punishment. (Slavery did exist, and can in theory arise again if most of the prisoners are coerced into manual agriculture, but there will be insufficient energy available to make the transition to sustainable slavery in our coming dark ages, not least because the feminists don't even realize that time is running out for reorganizing their infrastructure if that were to be accomplished). Since the prison is a cornerstone of feminist society, there is reason to rejoice even as all the things we care about and depend on are about to disintegrate. Technology has been convenient and fun, but we also see what kind of sex-hostile dystopia it leads to, which gets worse for every passing year. So perhaps peak oil is a good thing even with the extreme hardship and die-off it necessarily entails, because the alternative for men is surely prison unless you put on the charade of an oversocialized mangina.

Eivind Berge #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

"Sexual Utopia in Power" (The Occidental Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 2) is possibly the best article I have ever read. My blogging against feminism is almost redundant after F. Roger Devlin has put it so well. This is what I have been thinking ever since growing up in the hateful climate of feminism -- and hate breeds hate, resulting in the angry man I am today. These are my views exactly on everything from sexual harassment to divorce. The Occidental Quarterly is clearly a great, paleoconservative journal. It is heartening to see some sanity in this age of feminist terror. I am especially thankful for Devlin's recognition of "the forgotten men" -- the losers -- "of the sexual revolution" (p. 29). I am one of them and it is indeed time for us to speak up. Perhaps we really ought to form gangs which engage in antisocial behavior, as Devlin suggests, to increase our chances with women. It is perplexing and dispiriting that this has not already happened. Where is someone like Catiline when we need him? Or perhaps Spartacus would be a better analogy. We have to do something. Individually, we can improve our lot somewhat by working on our game, studying the material of David DeAngelo, Neil Strauss and the other pickup gurus, but that can only change the order of the hierarchy while the fundamental scarcity of women remains. We can't all be alpha males, by definition. It does not seem to me that the gurus realize this, as evinced by this line from The Game: "By socializing guys like Sasha, Mystery and I were making the world a better place" (p. 87). No, Style, you are not making the world a better place. If Sasha gets lucky, it means some other man will be frustrated instead, and that is just as dangerous. I doubt that there exists a large reservoir of untapped female promiscuity ready to materialize once we all become pickup artists. Perhaps a few spinsters could be converted, but all of us improving will mostly just raise the bar and there will be about the same number of losers as before. To improve the overall situation of men, we have to assault feminism at its core. We must destroy the independence of women which permits them to be so choosy. Of course this means ending welfare and affirmative action, but serial monogamy, which is just as bad as polygamy and has led to a record number of childless men, must also somehow be discouraged by making divorce more difficult. Women will still be hypergamous and men will seek promiscuity, but a kind of sexual egalitarianism will have been brought back when no woman can afford to price herself out of the market. Another strategy is to improve the sex ratio, as Angry Harry is advocating, and that appeals to me even more than restoring monogamy. And why stop at 15%? Let us breed women like cattle! Meanwile, we do still have the option of foreign brides, and that is probably what I will resort to as soon as I can afford it.

Eivind Berge #sexist #wingnut eivindberge.blogspot.com

In Norway a woman is never at fault for her actions, no matter how irresponsible. If a woman has any sexual regret at all, for any reason whatsoever, a man is always guilty of rape. Kudos to Dubai for standing up to this feminist ideal. While I am no fan of the sex-hostile moralism of Sharia law, their system is clearly superior to ours and admirably equitable. I don't agree with criminalizing fornication. But if we must have so repressive laws, it is much fairer to hold the woman responsible along with the man in cases of regretted sex (and in this case the man was sentenced to prison as well, just not for rape). Sharia law is the lesser of two evils. Rather than institutionalizing false victimhood like feminist law does, it holds both sexes accountable to rigid moral standards. I would take excessive moralism over excessive misandry any day. Thus, as an MRA, I applaud Dubai and I welcome Islamization of Europe too, over feminism at any rate.

fschmidt #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

Feminism is definitely not a hate-movement against all sexuality. Feminism is a slut-power movement. The goal of sluts is to have sex with the most immoral men they can find. So sex between all women and immoral men is strongly supported by feminism. There are two reasons for the concept of female sex offenses. One is to give lip service to the idea of equality. The other is that sex between a woman and a man who isn't immoral is considered a crime by feminists. So sex with an underage male is a sex offense to feminists because this male hasn't yet had the chance to prove his immorality. Still, there is no question that female sex offenses get much lighter punishments than male sex offenses.

Eivind Berge #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

My rape advocacy is twofold. Two aspects of feminism currently independently justify rape, in my view: 1. equality and 2. feminist corruption of justice. Feminist rape law reform has more than blurred the distinction between rape and consensual sex. In many circumstances it no longer matters in the eyes of the law whether we actually rape a woman or not -- she can regret sex in any case and have us convicted of "rape." The law quite explicitly states that mere negligence is enough to be a rapist even if you had no evil intentions. So why should men care if we rape or not? Women don't respect us anymore, so why should we respect women? Hate breeds hate. I have followed the deterioration of justice closely throughout my life, and my heart has been filled with deeper hatred at every step of feminist legal reform. False rape is now institutionalized. At this point, I don't believe Norwegian women are morally entitled to protection from rape.

Arpagus #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Rape is equality

When men have something women have less of, such as money or power, women simply take it by force. It's called affirmative action and feminists believe it's right. I am not going to argue against that. I accept that as a lost cause. So instead I am going to embrace forced equality and demand it for men as well.

What women have that men don't is of course sex. If anyone doubts that sex is a female resource, go here and request the PDF file Baumeister, R.F. & Vohs, K.D. (2004). Sexual Economics: Sex as Female Resource for Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 339-363.

In light of feminism, or if you believe in equality, this article makes such a compelling case for rape that Baumeister felt obliged to include the otiose disclaimer, "Our analysis should in no way be construed as excusing sexual coercion and we roundly condemn any such acts."

So let us give women equality if that's what they really want. Remember that due to the hypergamous nature of women, men get less sex as women get more money and power. Women are generally incapable of feeling attraction for men who are not better than they are, and soon men are no better than equal. So it is about time men in feminist countries such as Norway stop thinking of rape as wrong. I have previously argued this point e.g. here as Arpagus, and no one has been able to justify why affirmative action is right when it benefits women and hurts men but is wrong when it helps men and hurts women.