So schools not being shot to shit is Satanic, Jerky? Therefore, since Dunblane in 1996 - and there had never been any school shootings here in the UK's entire history up to 1996; PROTIP: there have been school shootings in your country since 1764 - Satan has been protecting British children's lives. He is their Saviour. You said it, I didn't!
So you approve of all the retroactive abortions of innocent American kids - from 1764 right up to today - because your 'Lord' thinks that your precious penis extensions/toys & your 2nd Amendment are infinitely more important to you?
God: 2,038,344
Satan (and only on God's authorisation): 10
Anon-e-moose: 0
And there's you trying to convince us all this time that your 'Lord' is a god of unconditional Love. Oh, how foolish we Atheists are to not completely accept what you say purely on spec, amirite?! [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
The Chaos god Khorne (in "Warhammer 40,000") is like Nelson Mandela compared to your 'Lord', Jerko. Blood for your Blood God. Skulls for his Skull Throne.
But then, even if kids shot up at school are 'Real Christians' it just gets them to your 'Lord' quicker, then. And fuck their right to have a full, contributing to humanity life: including having families of their own.
Because you NEED your precious guns, Jerkoid. Just ask the widowed husband - and now motherless kids - of Jo Cox MP: to his face about why you need them. If you DARE. [/Thomas Mair]
"Now I have one question for the NRA, where are my smart guns. I want a gun that I know will only work for me, that no one can use agianst me and that I can trust, yet the NRA does not want me to have one. They keep Smart Guns out of stores and out of America. It's not fair."
Note: NRA: USA. As opposed to, say... Australia.
'In 2000, Australian firearms manufacturer Metal Storm [...] to create the Variable Lethality Law Enforcement electronic pistol. [...] the gun is designed to be used only by its designated owner, ensuring that it cannot be fired if lost or stolen. The designated shooter can be identified by palm or fingerprint, numerical code, swipe card or voice recognition. The gun is capable of firing multiple projectiles which can include traditional bullets as well as pesticides, fertilisers, fireworks, fire-retardants and other rapid-delivery packages. The gun also features an electronic voice that tells the shooter which firing mode the gun is in]
That from the linked Wiki article is on the Lawgiver: the weapon used by Mega-City One Judges* (and can only be used by the individual Judge it's issued to, via their palmprint; if fired by anyone else, it self-destructs, killing the unauthorised user) in the comic series "Judge Dredd". In the British Sci-Fi weekly comic "2000 AD"; from the 2nd issue in 1977.
From a concept in a UK comic in 1977 to an Australian invention - as near as dammit to what Dredd & co. use - nearly a quarter of a century later. So why is your precious NRA so opposed to such a potentially life-saving idea, eh Jerko? Or is it simply because it wasn't an American innovation/concept?
Would a gun that only YOU could use - because of electronic safeguards - be 'Satanic'? How? Why? Please explain in great detail about how all guns having such a safeguard made compulsory can be such a bad thing? Go ahead, Jerky: You have our undivided attention.
Incidentally: in certain circumstances, Judges can be issued (particularly by Psi Division; all Psi Judges such as Cassandra Anderson have them issued & loaded in their Lawgivers routinely) with 'Exorcist' rounds: against 'Supernatural' enemies.
I guess that also includes 'Judges 1:19 Specials': Iron rounds, when your 'Lord' thinks he has the right to get uppity and think he is superior to Justice Department; certainly to the likes of the Chief Judge & senior street judge Dredd; and he has fended off Judge Death & co. many times before.
To quote The Clash: 'I fought the Law. And the Law won.'
'Judge (or street judge) is a title held by several significant characters in Judge Dredd and other series which appear in the British comics 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine. In the fictional future history of the series, the role of "Judge" combines those of judge and police officer, thus avoiding long legal wrangles by allowing for criminals to be tried and sentenced on the spot. Since they overthrew the U.S. Constitution in 2070, Judges have also held supreme political power in Mega-City One. Collectively they are known as the Justice Department.'
'Lawgivers'. 'Street Judges'. 'Justice Department'. 'Joseph Dredd'. All in a future scenario set in your country, Jerky: In a British comic: "2000 AD".
Australians picking up that British idea - Lawgivers - and running with it. What happened here after Dunblane. School shootings in the US since 1764.
I guess your precious NRA don't like to be made to look inferior, eh Jerkoid...?
Lastly, re. your precious NRA:
@Mister Spak (emphasis added)
@Mister Spak
Then clearly revisions are needed. NRA specifications were clearly inadequate.
The NRA is the National Rifle Association. Their portfolio is to make sure any mental patient with $200 can get a gun."
I refer you to what creativerealms says above, Jerko. Do you think that loonies have the right to own a gun? Yes or No.
Thought for the day: You cannot spell 'Right-wing Fundamentalist Christain' without the word Mental.
A Christian coach company owner in my locale was sectioned under the Mental Health Act - even by the Christian shareholders - when he went loopy.
Those deemed to be not 'Of Sound Mind' aren't allowed to vote here in the UK. That 'Real Christian' coach company owner was denied the right to a business.
What happened in the UK after Dunblane. Would it kill you if guns were equally banned in your country, Jerkoid? Just ask all the kids not shot to shit in my country since Dunblane.
Is their right to not only an education in a safe environment, but their continued right to exist, nay, live to grow up & raise kids of their own, to go to school in a safe environment, continue to exist & grow up to raise their own families etc etc Satanic, Jerko...?