Class A #fundie

You quit (as IF you were ever a member) when it became clear that the NRA supported gun-owners CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...

And you oppose them. Fine.
Guess you never heard of the 2nd Amendment. Or the Constitution, for that matter.

Re: "If this were about rights" It is.
Re: "you'd be up in arms (so to speak) about "God" getting printed on all the money" No...but it seems you are.
Re: "a "speedy trial" taking years" Depends on the reason.
Re: "fines as punishment" No.

It seems that you're just glad that "gun control"-- your hobby, or coping mechanism, or symbol of strength or whatever--is back in the news for a few weeks.

If you want to amend the Constitution, go for it. I wonder how many other parts of the Bill of Rights will be lost...

But violence IS aided and abetted by gun-controllers and and their "gun free zones" like the Pulse nightclub. We need to make "gun free zones" illegal.

The "gun free zone" is the mass-murderer's best friend. All 12 of the worst "mass shootings" in the US occurred in "gun free zones", just like the Pulse nightclub. "Gun free zones" make attractive soft targets for terrorists and mass-murderers, as they gather LOTS of unarmed victims all together for the murderers' safety and convenience.

"Gun free zones" are a cancer on America. In these days of terrorist attacks, they are a national security risk.

We should pass a law that says no "gun free zones" are allowed UNLESS--as at airports--the venue provides sufficient security to keep out armed criminals. It makes no sense to disarm the law-abiding in a "gun free zone", and then just let armed criminals walk right in and begin murdering.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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