think you better ask the Doctor on this board, WayTruthLife. I am sure he will confirm that a homosexual lifestyle is unhealthy even if it is monogamous. Introducing sperm to the colon puts a foreign body into the blood stream that attacks the immune system. That's why homosexuals always look unhealty. This condition is not to be confused with AIDS.
The Doctor never said that, at least not in the 27th previous seasons. And, knowing that Russell T. Davies is gay, I don't think it may happen soon.
And stop misquoting the Doctor.
Sperm this is Colon, Colon, Sperm. Now that introductions are out of the way, let's all shout at tyrone, SHUT UP YOU IGNORANT LIAR!
Sorry, I have consulted doctors, included my uncle, who is both doctor and a Catholic pious man, and none confirms that nonsense.
^ homosexuals, liberals and atheists, oh my
homosexuals, liberals and atheists, oh my
homosexuals, liberals and atheists, oh my
homosexuals, liberals and atheists, oh my
Remind me how another man's sperm even gets to the colon in the first place? If this "Doctor" ever noted how the female reproductive structure helps the movement of sperm and how short the distance is, he'd realize that his claim of sperm even being able to access the colon is pure BS. Utterly impossible.
Now, sperm is a coil of RNA in a protein sheath with a tail to provide motility. It isn't designed to attack anything, and even if a sperm cell somehow got lodged into a cell in the blood stream, the protein structure of the cell wouldn't match, thus the sperm head wouldn't be able to penetrate. Once again the doctor fails.
Now remind me when all homosexuals looked sickly will you? My opinion may be a tad biased, but all the homosexuals I know look perfectly healthy.
Introducing sperm to the colon puts a foreign body into the blood stream that attacks the immune system.
You really need to go back to school for more anatomy lessons. Where do you pull such idiotic statements? Out of your ass?
Tyrone, sir: you are abjectly stupid.
Also, I guess lesbians are a-ok then, eh? (I wonder why fundies always seem to forget that some homosexuals are FEMALE???)
BTW... Beast I agree, that song is awesome (and hilarious. Gotta love Ms Badu).
I am also curious as to what Tyrone thinks of hetero couples that engage in anal sex (quite a lot of them do!). How come there's no epidemic of "unhealthy looking" hetero females, Tyrone? What about vaginal hetero sex, how come that isn't "unhealthy"? Good grief, do fundies even know what logic and sense are?
What about introducing sperm to the esophagus? Won't that also put a foreign body into the blood stream?
What is he doctor in? Theology, Math, Foreign Affairs?
"Introducing sperm to the colon puts a foreign body into the blood stream that attacks the immune system."
PROTIP: The anime series "Mai-HiME/My Otome" are [i]not[/i] documentaries
...still, that doesn't stop said Otome having sex (from ep.1 of the OVA My Otome O~Sif.r"):
I loves me some lezzing! :9
"That's why homosexuals always look unhealty"
Their nanomachines afford Otome some heal ing ability. On the other hand, the above pic proves Rena Sayers (meganekko meido) and Elliot Chandler (black-clad Meister Otome, with stealth abilities) are well fit.
Therefore, TyroneTSoftbollocks, as "Mai-HiME"'s Natsuki Kuga would say...:
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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