Bon, From the Land of Babble #racist
This is why I like Persians, Russians and Armenians. Talking about race to a Russian, Armenian, Filipino, Persian or Asian is like talking to amremers. Most what some call real Whites I know are disgusting liberals even after they have been robbed or raped by a black.
They are open RACISTS who positively despise blacks and hispanics and work to keep them out of the neighborhoods where they live.
BUT.. the major difference is that Armenians, Russians, Persians and Asians are extremely ethno-centric and have advocacy groups to support their ethnic group interests. In California, they have set up ethno-centric culture and language schools based on their distinct ethnicities. No one in the media calls these schools “racist” or demands that they admit, pay for and cater to blacks and hispanics. No one in the media, at least that I’ve ever read, has referred to these ethno-centric groups as Nazis, racists and bigots.
Try opening a Euro-based school for Whites of European descent and see how far you get! Try barring blacks and hispanics from your neighborhood by refusing to rent to them! Try forming an advocacy group specifically for Whites as is allowed ALL other ethnic/racial groups and see how far you get!! Try pointing out the many egregious examples of White hatred and White discrimination we Whites deal with every single day and see you far you get.
There would be a FIRE STORM of anger against any White who deigned to (RIGHTFULLY) defend White interests.
A better question to ask is WHY is open, blatant, White hatred is ALLOWED?
Cui Bono?