The gay agenda swarmed around me like a shark that smelled blood. I received emails that purposed to intimidate me. I was sought out on Facebook and repulsive messages were posted on my wall. I was told I would rot in hell. I’ve been labeled a bully who wields “clobber verses” despite the fact that my op-ed didn’t offer a single Scripture. I’ve been compared to white slave owners, deemed stubbornly close-minded, and, of course, there’s the tired old homophobe line. One email simply said, “f**k you.” I’ll stop there because to further expound on the evil that the gay agenda unleashed against me is not edifying.
What was my crime? Telling the truth. God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. But the response from the gay agenda to God’s truth is often hate. Still, despite the persecution, I stand in prayer for those the enemy has captured. Like God's heart, my heart breaks for their lost souls. I am contending for light to flood in, deception to break and repentance to come.
It may be working. And that may be why I got so much backlash. There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats? I pray that’s the case because the alternative is that they are flowing in a reprobate mind.
I imagine this column will drive more hateful comments against me. But God’s love in me will not bow down to the threats and name-calling. There is a gay agenda and it’s working overtime to send millions to hell. I will not remain silent. I stand in hope that God will use my words to prick the hearts of some who may find freedom in Christ and work to help set others free. Amen.
So if I make broad offensive generalizations about Christians, and someone yells back at me, I'm right? Finally i get to talk about the bronze age tribal goat fuckers and not feel like a prick!!!!!</sarc>
Still, despite the persecution, I stand in prayer for those the enemy has captured. Like God's heart, my heart breaks for their lost souls. I am contending for light to flood in, deception to break and repentance to come.
So you're just telling gays they'll go to hell out of the goodness of your heart...I calls bullshit, sweetie.
You're doing it for the same reasons every other fundy fuckwit is doing it:
1) You enjoy the feeling of being superior to someone.
2) You think you'll get brownie points in heaven.
3) It gives you an opportunity to cry persecution.
Never mind that as the majority religion you don't know what persecution actually is. Never mind that christians have been using their religion to fuck over everyone outside of their comfort zone for over 2000 years.
You can't do that any longer and you don't like it. That's not the same as persecution.
"Whaaaaaa! I told a bunch of people that they are evil and deserve to be tortured for eternity and they told me, 'Fuck you.' I am being persecuted!"
You keep using that word, persecution, I don't think it means what you think it means.
"God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty."
And you can't see the inconsistency? What is love then? What's love supposed to feel like?
"Shut the fuck up, you bigot."
Freedom of speech goes both ways, assholes.
The expression being used relates to accusations, it's basically the same as 'a guilty mind needs no accuser.'
The trouble with using it in this context however, is the implication that you are accusing someone of a crime. Now, I'm sure in your mind you are virtuously standing amidst the tide of evil and sinfulness and pointing out the truth of how God disapproves of homosexuality.
It might assist you to realise that informing people that you have it on divine authority that their relationships are wicked and worthless is incredibly rude and unpleasant. Your case is not helped by your apparent belief in the 'gay agenda', as if that was some real organisation. Your respondents were in all likelihood actually your target audience reacting to being addressed as criminals on the basis of your personal beliefs.
"Waaaaah! I was telling gay people that they're evil pedophiles bound for hell and people got upset about it!"
I suppose this is what the "truth" she was spouting was. It usually is with these people.
*edit* Well I wasn't far off from the truth. It was an editorial piece where she says that gey NFL players need to stay in the closet, and calls homosexuality a sin:
While she didn't equate homosexuality with pedophilia, she did make frequent references to the "gay agenda." Which is usually code for "Those uppity gays are trying to get accepted so they can force everyone to be gay and destroy society."
Because telling people they're evil is a sure way to get them to convert to your religion.
(for the record, this is precisely the reason I left Christianity)
"What was my crime? Telling the truth. God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. "
So, you claimed that God is Love, without slamming other people based on the unchangeable circumstances of their birth, and for that, that GLBTQA crowd persecuted you?
Or did you use an extra-scriptural interpretation to claim that God dislikes the GLBTQ crowd in some way, and thus claim your own bigotry as the love of God?
And, let me guess, when a young person who feels attracted to members of the same gender comes to hate him/herself and commits suicide, its not because of your teachings, its because of that "destructive gay lifestyle," right? I assume that based on your mask of beneficence, a mask you wear because you're too much of a coward to admit that you hate people who make you feel uncomfortable. At east your all, Fred Phelps, can admit that he is motivated by hatred.
That's right Jennifer, I am saying that Fred Phelps is better than you are.
The gay agenda swarmed around me like a shark that smelled blood.
Agendas don't swarm. Nor can a single shark. Please don't tell me someone actually pays you to write this stuff.
“Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats?
Hmm. It could also be that you've just hit them with a nasty rock. If you attack people, they often get upset. And repeatedly pursuing people and attacking them isn't love; it's harassment.
"Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit."
You forgot,
"Throw a rock at a pack of dogs, it's your fault when they rip you to shreds."
Homosexual Agenda
8:00 - 9:00 - Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30 - Welcoming address; icebreaker exercise.
9:30 - 9:45 - Coffee break
9:45 - 12:00 - Perverted TV script review and selection for next season.
12:00 - 1:30 - Lunch break
1:30 - 2:30 - "How to" video: sexually abusing children while Mom's back is turned
2:30 - 2:45 - Coffee break (please remain in the area)
2:45 - 4:00 - Sexually abusing children practice session.
4:00 - 4:30 - Review and feedback
Note: Be sure to join us at 10:00PM at the E. 97th St. entrance to Central Park for the "Rape anything in Your Path" party.
A fundie who can dish it out but she can't take it. Color me surprised!
I love it when the fundies get a taste of their own medicine. It further illustrates what thin-skinned, whiny little ignoramuses they are.
Could it be possible that you're a self-righteous, self-centered, arrogant asshole?
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
"I stand in hope that God will use my words to prick the hearts of some who may find freedom in Christ and work to help set others free"
Your whole character summed up in one word.
Leave other people in peace.
"Could it be possible that the truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats? I pray that’s the case because the alternative is that they are flowing in an insane mind."
Just shows that telling religious people they are mentally retarded to believe that shit must be right...
According to Jesus, what sends you to hell are failure to believe in God and failure to get baptized (Mark 16:16) - not being gay, listening to rap music, wearing your skirt too short, voting for Obama, listening to NPR, supporting abortion rights or believing in evolution. Your heart isn't breaking for people who do stuff God doesn't like. It breaks for people who do stuff you don't like.
There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest?
So you're comparing the "word of god" regarding homosexuality to throwing rocks at dogs, an inherently hurtful act that only sociopaths and small children would draw pleasure from? A bit of unintentional honesty there, no?
Okay, I just took a look at this actual article, and what this woman actually says is "Throw a rock at a crowd of people", not a "pack of dogs." So that's actually even worse, not that it's okay to throw rocks at innocent animals. But man, it's like this chick is saying we should throw rocks at people we disagree with. I'm surprised that PG13 dickweed hasn't defended her yet.
"Freedom in Christ"
That's like, "freedom to walk anywhere in a pig pen" or "freedom to scream forever for one day" or "freedom to eat all the Brussels sprouts you want." It's unlimited within a condition, and therefore is not unlimited at all but merely conditional. I can say with almost absolute certainty that Jesus is not God.
I grew up in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. One day, my pastor addressed the talking point about how the Christian policy towards gays is not loving. He responded by saying that homosexuality is not love, because God is the one who defines what love is. Of course, that makes the phrase "God is love" utterly meaningless. If someone defines what love is, of course they themselves will fit that meaning. But few Christians will sing about how God has infinite power to enforce his own personal definition of love.
Mutlitude of fail here by Jennifer Leclaire.
Throwing rocks at dogs is sociopathic behaviour. That you compare it to god's truth and love says we don't need nor want his truth and love as it seems to be violent and hateful
Plus with your already failed analogy, the one that yelps is the one hit. Which means you are just throwing randomly. With homophobes like you, the WBC, Rick Warren and others focusing on homosexuals the way you do, it is no wonder they are the ones who say anything back. Your equivalent of yelping.Basically you are throwing the stones at one dog and then pointing out he yelped.
Not only that you bitch about being persecuted. With what you do to homosexuals you are the one persecuting.
Jennifer Leclaire you failed humanity in general.
"I was told I would rot in hell."
Three paragraphs later
"There is a gay agenda and it’s working overtime to send millions to hell."
You know what they say about people in glass houses..?
Your god is just an extension of your own ego, which is so large that you need to tell a hell of a lie to poorly cover it up.
You do not love. Stop saying that.
Funny, none of the Bibles I have say homosexuality is a sin. They equate it to shaving & eating shellfish.
So that's one lie.
Then there's the fact that the so=called "gay agenda" that you homophobes harp on about doesn't exist. The real "gay agenda" is the same as the "black agenda" of the 60s, and the "Jewish agenda" of the 30s & 40s. That is, they want to be treated as people, not as subhuman bogeymen.
So that's two lies.
Your claim that you're "telling the truth" when you're actually spouting dishonesty? Three lies.
And lastly, the idea that homosexuals are trying to send people to hell is your fourth lie.
Wasn't there something in the Bible about bearing false witness, Ms. Leclaire?
In Mandarin there is a saying that good medicine is bitter.
But that which is bitter may not always be good medicine. It may be poison for all we don't know.
Let's fight this hate with love, people.
Okay. That's it. I want in.
All I want is for someone to call me, email me or stop by my house and attempt to recruit me to the "gay agenda".
I'm bisexual, for crying out loud. I'm already half way there. I'm a prime candidate.
Does the awesome fashion sense come with joining the agenda? Or do you earn that with rank?
To me it sounds like you were not telling the "truth" so much as spouting hatred and bile over people who haven't done anything to you. Your "God's truth" sounds more like hatred than love.
The ones yelling loudest are your lot, stupid. You yell and scream about this "gay agenda", which no-one outside your group knows anything about. Coould it be that conviction is trying to settle in on your hearts, that what you do is hatred, not love.
The loves I have known have always been inclusive, tolerant, benevolent, all-encompassing, joyfull, unconditional and blissfull. You seem to have known a completely different kind of love. I pity you...
"God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. But the response from the gay agenda to God’s truth is often hate."
If hate is the response you get for stating "God's truth", then maybe that truth has nothing to do with love and everything to do with you being an intolerant piece of shit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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