Jennifer Leclaire #fundie

The gay agenda swarmed around me like a shark that smelled blood. I received emails that purposed to intimidate me. I was sought out on Facebook and repulsive messages were posted on my wall. I was told I would rot in hell. I’ve been labeled a bully who wields “clobber verses” despite the fact that my op-ed didn’t offer a single Scripture. I’ve been compared to white slave owners, deemed stubbornly close-minded, and, of course, there’s the tired old homophobe line. One email simply said, “f**k you.” I’ll stop there because to further expound on the evil that the gay agenda unleashed against me is not edifying.

What was my crime? Telling the truth. God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. But the response from the gay agenda to God’s truth is often hate. Still, despite the persecution, I stand in prayer for those the enemy has captured. Like God's heart, my heart breaks for their lost souls. I am contending for light to flood in, deception to break and repentance to come.

It may be working. And that may be why I got so much backlash. There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats? I pray that’s the case because the alternative is that they are flowing in a reprobate mind.

I imagine this column will drive more hateful comments against me. But God’s love in me will not bow down to the threats and name-calling. There is a gay agenda and it’s working overtime to send millions to hell. I will not remain silent. I stand in hope that God will use my words to prick the hearts of some who may find freedom in Christ and work to help set others free. Amen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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