Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy
Amid a rampant radical madness
insidiously hatched in college campus
incubators of critical-theory-activated
state-of-the-art neo-Marxist hooey;
amid a suddenly-de-rigueur madness
that'd been nurtured in re-purposed unis
strange trains of mind
(having gone off the rails by design)
had left their deftly sabotaged tracks.
In the freshly-sprung rancour factories
that had hijacked higher learning
a hot-off-the-press truly-lunatic version
of a not-so-new crazed way of thinking
had met with success in its scheme
to undermine the spineless system
to the extent
that under cover of maternal virtue
what academia perversely gave birth to
was a vast standing army
of self-righteously intolerant monsters.
As the millions-strong mob
of PC totalitarians spoke
as one
unhinged tunnel-visioned organism
within the echo chamber of woke
few inside noticed the depth and range
to which language had been changed
as a sneaky means to retrain brains
as certain words
were furtively redefined
to discreetly mislead simple minds
As casually sadistic
as they were odiously sanctimonious
the crybully goon squads and mobs
(lost in the throes of collective psychosis)
spared no effort in their quest to quench
their perpetually offended members'
horrifically shrivelled souls
with the blood they spilt
conducting their ever-vigilant
guilty-till-proven-innocent purity patrols.
Their hitherto-hollow mollycoddled lives
having failed to give rise
to anything of notable worth
the flying-off-the-handle
Red-Guard-like vandals
— as if bent on avenging
a learned burning bitterness —
had agreed to scorch the earth
on their manic wasteland-advancing
fealty-demanding mission
to cancel culture rewrite history
and Year Zero the weakened system.