Colin A. Shipp #sexist

[About Grayson Perry's book, The Descent Of Man]

In bookshop read first page and a half....100% based on his assumptions and not on facts....he starts with seeing a boy struggling to ride a bike and the father frustrated he can't do it...he views this as a general big problem for men...and says the dad is looking at him as if to say toughen up...Q how does he know thing I know is he has never had children because the life of a parent is incredibly tough and probably all day the parent was constantly showing his son in a snapshot he judges a parent and claims he has a masculinity problem....if it was an aggressive mum he would have nothing to say....I think he himself is a man that hates men and masculinity...he is a transvestite and maybe due to men ridiculing him he has a dislike for men....but he himself champions the feminine....oh do grow up...Women and feminity have a big dark side to them...why not write a book about that....of course not as it's much safer to slag of men and masculinity because women are perfectly okay aren't they.. sick sick sick....he claims men are basically the problem of this world because men start wars and hold women back....interestingly research shows that all the female prime minister's of the world have started more wars than men...per can anyone believe in feminism as it's based on women having suffered more than men....where is the evidence....I believe men have suffered more but it's obvious isn't it....2 world doing the most dangerous jobs...and 90% of work place deaths are men...imagine if it was the other way round women would be whining non stop....the real problem is men have been made ashamed of being men and women are saying where have all the men gone.....we live in a world where women don't allow fathers to see their own children and a woman can destroy a man's life by falsely saying her husband hit her... but that's ok isn't it as men are bastards....there is going to be a huge backlash from men and when it happens women won't know what the hell is going on...



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