Johnny Rebel #racist

Well I don't know why the sky is blue
And why the gums on a nigger well they're blue too
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know niggers suck

And I don't know why the world ain't flat
And why the nose on a nigger is flat like that
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know niggers suck

I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a jigaboo's lips are thick
But I sure know that
A nigger ain't worth a lick
And I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a nigger ain't got no pride
But I know them coons are never
No, they're never satisfied

Well I don't know why the rain comes down
I don't know why a nigger is black or brown
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
I do know niggers suck

Well I don't know why nigger stinks
I don't know why jigaboo's hair has kinks
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
I do know niggers suck

I don't know why night turns to day
And why a nigger won't work to earn his way
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know niggers suck

I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a jigaboo's lips are thick
But I sure know that
A nigger ain't worth a lick
And I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a nigger ain't got no pride
But I know them coons are never
No, they're never satisfied

I don't know why a nigger is kin to an ape
I don't know why spooks wanna integrate
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know niggers suck
I do know niggers suck
Hey, I do know niggers suck



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