ionlycopenow #sexist

I'm so glad I have a female sibling

Having one blackpills you like absolutely no other. Her and her friends would endlessly shit talk about ugly guys. Then there was in between the line blackpills - every guy who was a "loser" or "creep" according to them just so happened to be ugly. Then it was shit like legitimately getting angry at ugly males trying to ascend. Some ugly ogre got a bit of press for trying to NBA maxxx and the first thing they would do is crinkle their fast in disgust and comment on how ugly he is, as if he's not allowed to be happy in life and should rot at McDonald's until he dies. There are endless examples multiple times a week. From what I learned, women only comment about a man's appearance and nothing else, and also get legitimately angry at an ugly male who is confident or trying to ascend/maxxx. They hate ugly men and want them to be depressed and die alone.

I'm so grateful. I can never be bluepilled anymore, and feel bad for guys who didn't get to experience this.

Mys siter recently chatted with a guy on Tinder.

She keeps on gloating with her friends how her matches are physicallly.

Luckily, Ill be out of this house soon so I wont have to hear it.

my sister's friends according to her were already asking about "how to suck dick" and being whores by 14. She herself called them hoes multiple times to me.

Is she older than you or younger?


Im a bit masochistic, i dont if i would enjoy these stuff irl tho.

You have to brutally be exposed to blackpill every day to know just how bad it is.
Thats why alot of people on incel circles are retarded and still hold on to retarded delusions, because they've never actually seen the blackpill in action on a common basis.



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